
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 30 September 2016 (edition 34/2016)

  Last week Ngāti Ruanui and the lobby group Kiwis Against Seabed Mining presented a petition of 6,000 people to Green Party Member of Parliament, Gareth Hughes. The petition seeks a moratorium on seabed mining, and is a result of Trans-Tasman Resources Ltd advising they have resubmitted an application for

Tertiary Education Report – 30 September 2016 (edition 34/2016)

  The Ministry of Education has begun releasing reports in its annual tertiary education profile and trends series. Last month it released a report on qualification completions, and this week a report on tertiary education research.[1]  The qualification completions report outlines successful outcomes in tertiary education for 2015.  In regards

Material Wellbeing Report Released – 30 September 2016 (edition 34/2016)

  Last week we advised on the Ministry of Social Development’s 2016 household income report – which showed significant income disparities between Māori and non-Māori (Pānui 33/2016 refers). In addition to that report, the Ministry of Social Development also released a second companion report on material wellbeing, using non-income measures. 

Update – Ngāpuhi Treaty Settlement Mandate – 30 September 2016 (edition 34/2016)

  Subscribers will be aware we have been advising regularly on the prolonged mandating process for Ngāpuhi. At hand is a decision as to whether the existing ‘mandate’ – i.e. de facto Crown approval to negotiate the settlement of all historic Treaty of Waitangi claims – should be transferred from

Te Puni Kōkiri – New Four Year Plan – 30 September 2016 (edition 34/2016)

  Last week Te Puni Kōkiri uploaded onto its website a new Four Year Plan 2016 – 2020, entitled He Uru Whetū, He Ara Haere. We note the plan has not yet been tabled in Parliament, but it replaces the four-year strategic direction document published last year, which in turn