
Quarterly Review for the Period 1 April to 30 June 2016 (edition 24/2016)

  Purpose This quarterly review provides a summary of significant Māori-focused social, economic and Treaty policy developments for the period 1 April to 30 June. Within the quarter we reviewed seven dataset publications, eleven reports, eight Government policy/legislative issues and five Government planning/strategic documents. Information summaries are provided in the

Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  Following an announcement by the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, of an inquiry into racial disparities, Dame Tariana Turia (a former politician) has called for a similar type of review to investigate institutional racism in New Zealand. Dame Turia’s request has been supported by the Race Relations Commissioner, Dame
Corrections Justice Social

Report of the Independent Police Complaints Authority released – 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  On Wednesday the Independent Police Complaints Authority released a report on ‘pre-charge warnings’. Such a warning is an alternative to prosecution for offenders who have committed offences with a maximum penalty of not more than six months imprisonment.  It relies on Police discretion not to prosecute, even though there

Māori Television Service – New Statement of Intent – 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  Last week a new Statement of Intent (2016-2019) for the Māori Television Service (MTS) was tabled in Parliament.[1] By way of background MTS is a statutory corporation which means that it is governed by its own bespoke legislation, the Māori Television Service Act 2003, (and not subject to the
Settlements Treaty

Ngāpuhi – Treaty Settlement Mandate – 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  Last week we advised that the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Chris Finlayson, had indicated he accepts the recommendations of the ‘Maranga Mai’ report, centred on restructuring the Ngāpuhi treaty settlement entity, Tūhoronuku, which will negotiate a Treaty of Waitangi settlement on behalf of the iwi (Pānui 28/2016
Settlements Treaty

Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust – General Business – 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  This week some media outlets have reported that Victoria University of Wellington is seeking Crown approval to sell its Karori campus (the former teacher’s college). The issue at hand is that the multi-million dollar property was sold to the University by the Crown for only ten dollars in 2014
Settlements Treaty

Kermadec/Rangitāhua Ocean Sanctuary – Treaty of Waitangi Concerns – 16 September 2016 (edition 32/2016)

  On Wednesday the Chairman of Te Ohu Kaimoana, Jamie Tuuta, announced that negotiations with the Government over the proposed Kermadec/Rangitāhua Ocean Sanctuary had failed. This means High Court action by the Trust against the Government will continue. [By way of background the Kermadec/Rangitāhua Ocean Sanctuary Bill currently before Parliament