
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  The trial against Sir Ngatata Love for alleged fraudulent activities continued in Wellington this week. A former Wellington businessman, Shaan Stevens,  (who has been convicted of fraud), advised that he received instruction from Lorraine Skiffington to transfer property development funds relating to the business of the Wellington Tenths Trust into

Appointments and Awards of Note – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  Tony Dowling has been appointed as Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O Ngāpuhi. He will commence the role in November. Warwick Tauwhare-George (Ngai Tahu, Tainui) has been appointed as Chief Executive of Parininihi Ki Waitotara. Charlie Tepana has been appointed to the board of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo
Government Settlements Treaty

Rangitāne o Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  On Saturday Rangitāne o Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown to settle all of their historic Treaty of Waitangi claims. The settlement includes commercial and financial redress of $32.5 million.  In addition, cultural redress includes the vesting of eight sites of
Settlements Treaty

Ngāpuhi – Proposed Restructure of Treaty Settlement Entity – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  On Wednesday the final report of the Ngāpuhi Engagement Group was released. The report proposes a new structure to oversee the settlement of all Ngāpuhi historic Treaty of Waitangi claims.  The report is entitled, Māranga Mai, and follows on from a draft released in April (Pānui 11/2016 refers), and
Education Government Social

Education Sector Data Released – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  This week the Ministry of Education released its Public Achievement Information (PAI) on education participation and outcomes. This is a succinct collection of info graphics which summarize trends in education.  The info graphics are easy to read and contain some new Māori specific data from 2015. (Note the Ministry’s
Education Government Health Justice Social Welfare Whānau Ora

Covenant for the Nation’s Children Promulgated – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  Last Friday members of the iwi leaders’ forum became the first group of signatories to a new ‘Covenant for the Nation’s Children’. This is a non-government/non-legislative bilingual document prepared by Judge Carolyn Henwood.  The document promotes a commitment to protecting children from harm,  ensuring they are treasured and can enjoy
Government Treaty

Oaths and Declarations Amendment Bill – 12 August 2016 (edition 28/2016)

  On Wednesday Parliament voted down the first reading of the Oaths and Declarations (Endorsing the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi) Amendment Bill. This was a Member’s Bill introduced by Māori Party Member, Marama Fox.  The desired purpose was to allow provision for people to swear alliance to the