
Māori News for the Week Ending 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  Last Thursday Statistics New Zealand released Ngā ara tatauranga Statistical pathways, which is a collection of six posters featuring successful young Māori commencing their professional careers.  The posters emphasise the importance of statistics in work environments, and collectively demonstrate the breadth of professional work opportunities available to Māori youth.

Discussion Paper on Māori Population Data Released – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  On Wednesday Statistics New Zealand released a discussion paper entitled Identifying Māori populations using administrative data: A comparison with the census.   This paper is part of the Census Transformation project, which is investigating changes to the administration of the census:  for example, whether the census can be held every

Ngāruahine Settlement Claims Bill – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  On Wednesday the second reading of the Ngāruahine Claims Settlement Bill was completed in Parliament.   This settlement currently includes financial and commercial redress valued at $67.5 million.

Hineuru Settlement Claims Bill – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  On Wednesday the third reading of the Hineuru Settlement Claims Bill was completed in Parliament, and will now become law once Royal Assent is given by the Governor-General. (Ngāti Hineuru is located in the Haroto area, between Napier and Taupō.)   The Hineuru settlement includes financial and commercial redress of

Freshwater Reforms – Submission Analysis Released – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  The Ministry of the Environment has released a synopsis of submissions received from its consultation regarding freshwater policy reforms.  By way of background these reforms will, in our assessment, significantly improve Māori representation in the management of water and in regulatory processes over sectors that draw heavily upon water

Statistics on Māori Business Released – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  On Thursday Statistics New Zealand released, Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics on Māori Businesses.   This is an annual report on Māori business activity. (Pānui 23/2014 and 22/2015 provide information on the 2014 and 2015 reports respectively.)  Each year the breadth and depth of analysis provided within Taturanga Umanga Māori

Māori financial capability fund announced -1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  Yesterday the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Paul Goldsmith, and the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, announced funding to improve “financial capability among Māori”.  The Ministers stated $900,000 is being set aside for the Commission for Financial Capability to deliver financial education programmes to Māori, based on trials

Household Net Worth – Report Released – 1 July 2016 (22/2016)

  On Tuesday Statistics New Zealand released a 14-page report entitled Household Net Worth Statistics: Year ended June 2015.[1]  As the title indicates, this report counts the assets and liabilities of New Zealand adults, as recorded last year.  Overall the report finds that the median net worth of New Zealand