
Māori News for the Week Ending 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  Last Friday the Aotearoa / New Zealand Māori Business Awards were held in Auckland.  Award winners were: Jason Witehira – Māori business leader; Jamie Tuuta – Young Māori business leader; Miriana Stephens – Māori woman business leader; Karen Vercoe – the Dame Mira Szaszy Maori Alumni award; and Ngai
Education Social

Māori Education Report – Data Correction from the Ministry of Education – 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  In Pānui 14/2016 we advised on the annual report on Māori Education, Ngā Haeata Mātauranga.  We noted that the Ministry had not met the reported target of ensuring 22% of Māori learners were learning within the Māori medium.  Since that edition the Ministry has contacted us to advise that

Revised Māori Population Estimates – 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  This week Statistics New Zealand released the 2015 Māori Population estimates.  The total population is estimated at 712,300 tangata, a 1.5% increase from last year.  The population remains mostly youthful – 33% are aged 15 years or younger, although the median age has risen slightly to 24 years.  The
Social Welfare

Social Security Act Rewrite – 20 May 2016 (15/2016)

  Last week the Social Security Rewrite Legislation Bill passed its first reading in Parliament, and was then referred on to the Social Services Select Committee.  The aim of this Bill is to repeal and replace the Social Security Act 1964 (and other related legislation), with a clearer and more

Local Government Reforms – 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  In addition to changes to the Resource Management Act, we advise the Government is also planning other changes within the local government sector (for the 78 councils and 66 water authorities).  These are called the Better Local Services reforms.  The reforms are three pronged: (i) foster more collaboration between

Resource Legislation Amendment Bill – Analysis of Submissions – 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  Last month submissions to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee concerning the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 were released on the parliamentary website.  There were 675 submissions, of which only thirteen were from Māori organisations.  Oral submissions are now being heard – including from Federated Farmers this week,
Economic Government

Pre-Budget Announcement – Māori and Pasifika Trades Training – 20 May 2016 (16/2016)

  This week there has been a Ministerial information release on Government Budget changes relating to Māori and Pasifika Trades Training. [By way of background, the Minister of Finance, Bill English, is scheduled to release the Government’s 2016 Budget next Thursday.  In anticipation of this, the Government’s approach is that

Māori News for the Week Ending 13 May 2016 (15/2016)

  On Wednesday the Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill was read for the first time in Parliament.  A party vote was called for, and the Bill was successful (63-58).  The Bill was then referred on to the Māori Affairs Select Committee.  Public submissions are now open (and will close on
Settlements Treaty

Rangitaane o Wairarapa / Tāmaki Nui Initial Deed of Settlement with the Crown – 13 May 2016 (15/2016)

  This week Rangitaane o Wairarapa / Tāmaki Nui initiated a Deed of Settlement with the Crown to settle historic Treaty of Waitangi claims.   The settlement provides for $32.5 million in commercial redress, along with an apology, historic accounts, and cultural redress properties.
Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui ā Rua signed an Agreement in Principle

  Last Saturday Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui ā Rua signed an Agreement in Principle with the Crown, to settle all historic Treaty of Waitangi claims of the iwi.  The settlement includes commercial and financial redress totalling $93 million, the return of the lakebed of Wairarapa Moana, and the
Health Social

Research on the Health for Māori Children and Young People Released – 13 May 2106 (15/2016)

  At the end of last month the University of Otago published its second report within a series of three focused on the health of Māori children and young people.  The report is entitled, Te Ohonga Ake: The Determinants of Health for Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand:
Economic Employment Social

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released – 13 May 2016 (15/2016)

  Last week Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of March 2016.  The survey shows the national unemployment rate increased from 5.4% to 5.7%.  For Māori the unemployment rate increased from 10.6% to 12.8%.  Subscribers will also note that the
Economic Government

Pre-Budget Information Releases – Whānau Ora and Māori Housing – 13 May 2016 (15/2016)

  This week there have been Ministerial information releases on Government Budget changes relating to Whānau Ora and Māori housing. [By way of background, the Minister of Finance, Bill English, is scheduled to release the Government’s 2016 Budget in two weeks, on Thursday 26 of May.  In anticipation of this,