
General Matters To 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

Appointments and Awards Professor Andrew Hill has been awarded the Maori Health Medal for 2014 by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Aimee Kaio (Ngai Tahu, Tuhourangi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngā Puhi) has been appointed to the Council of the Southern Institute of Technology.   General Māori News Articles to 6
Education Social

NCEA Data Released – 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

  Also in April the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) released NCEA data tables for 2015.  The data tables released show NCEA participation and success rates, including via ethnicity, both nationally and at an individual school level.  This data release occurred before the online publication of Ngā Haeata Mātauranga by
Education Social

New Education Scholarship Announced – 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

  On Monday the Minister for Education, Hekia Parata, announced a new Māori Education Research Masters Scholarship, to “ensure even more Māori enjoy and achieve education success as Māori”.   The scholarship is $15,000 per year for up to two years, in honour of the 28th (Māori) Battalion.   The scholarship
Education Government Social

Māori Education Report Released – 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

  In late April the Ministry of Education released, Ngā Haeata Mātauranga.  This is the Ministry’s annual report on Māori education.  This is a longstanding publication that has traditionally gathered and grouped the Ministry’s statistics on Māori education.  The current edition orientates the presentation of such data around the five
Treaty Tribunal reports

WAI 2522 – Report on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

  Background context By way of background to this Tribunal inquiry, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aims to create a regional ‘free trade’ agreement involving twelve Asia-Pacific countries.[1]  According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade this would “give New Zealand better access to globally significant markets.”  (In particular we
Tribunal reports

WAI 898 Report – Maui Dolphin Report – 6 May 2016 (14/2016)

  This report is an agreed early outcome of the Tribunal’s wider inquiry (WAI 898) on Te Rohe Pōtae.  The claim was heard and reported on early because the Maui Dolphin is at risk of extinction.[1]  The Tribunal found that the dolphin is a taonga of the claimants, Ngāti Te
Health Social

Performance Report on Whānau Ora Providers 22 April 2016 (13/2016)

  Earlier this month the Ministry of Health released a report entitled, ‘Report on the Performance of General Practices in Whanau Ora Collectives as at September 2015’.  (By ‘general practices’, the Ministry means organisations involved in the delivery of primary health care.)  This is the third report which tracks the

New Health Strategy Released – 22 April 2016 (13/2016)

  On Monday the Government released a new health strategy (which was overdue, given the last one was sixteen years old).  The new strategy has five strategic themes, and actions for 2016 are identified in a separate ‘roadmap’ document.  The overarching themes are: ‘people-powered’ (i.e. a customer focused approach); ‘closer
Social Welfare

Benefit Factsheets to 31 March 2016 – 22 April 2016 (13/2016)

  Yesterday the Minister of Social Development, Anne Tolley, announced the release of  the Benefit Factsheets for the quarter to 31 March 2016.  We have undertaken an analysis of the factsheets and consolidated Māori-specific data into the table that follows. In total, at the end of the quarter 279,891 New

Office of Treaty Settlements: Progress Report Released – 22 April 2016 (13/2016)

  This month the Office of Treaty Settlements within the Ministry of Justice released its ‘Progress Report for the half-year 1 July to 31 December 2015’.  This report usefully tracks the progress of all Treaty settlements, although the redress amounts are excluded.   During the reporting period twenty-three milestones were

New Zealand Māori Council – Leadership Changes – 22 April 2016 (13/2016)

  Last month we advised on leadership matters within the New Zealand Māori Council.[1]  We advised that in late February some of the chairs of the District Māori Councils had met, determined that the Council’s co-chair arrangement was dysfunctional, and voted that Maanu Paul become the sole chair, with Des

Māori Representation within Local Government – Parliamentary Petition – 22 April 2016 (13/2106)

  Last week the Mayor of New Plymouth, Andrew Judd, received support from the Māori Party to lodge a petition in Parliament requesting that a law be passed to ensure dedicated Māori representation within local government.  (Support was required as parliamentary petitions are sponsored by a Member of Parliament.)   Mr