
General Items and Māori News for the Week Ending 18 March 2016 (8/2016)

  Last week Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister, Chris Finlayson, commented on whether the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal should be binding on the Crown.  In his view no – noting that, “the Tribunal occupies a special place in New Zealand both in terms of the work it does with

News and General Items – 11 Mar 2016 (7/2016)

As advised last week the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, has launched a Whēnua Māori Fund, to assist in improving returns from Māori land.   We advise this will be an annual fund (totalling $3.2 million), which is focused on ‘pre-commercial’ land activities.  For example education and training for

General Items and Māori News for the Week Ending 4 March 2016 (6/2016)

  On Wednesday the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, announced a new Whēnua Māori Fund, to assist in improving returns from Māori land.   We are reviewing the materials and will provide further information in the next Pānui. Dr Claire Charters (Ngati Whakaue, Tuwharetoa, Nga Puhi and Tainui) has

New Zealand Māori Council – Leadership Update – 4 Mar 16 (6/2016)

  Last weekend a hui of the chairs of District Māori Councils, which comprise a component of the New Zealand Māori Council, was held at Hoani Waititi Marae.  Seven of the sixteen districts councils are reported to have attended.[1]  The representatives in attendance determined that the New Zealand Māori Council
Economic Employment Government

Minimum Wage Increase Announced – 4 Mar 16 (6/2016)

  On Monday the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Michael Woodhouse, announced that the minimum wage will be increased from $14.75 to $15.25 an hour, commencing 1 April.  This is effectively a $20 per-week increase to $610 for a full-time worker on this rate.  This equates to an additional
Government Te Reo

Māori Language Sector Reforms – 4 Mar 16 (6/2016)

Māori Language Sector Reforms Last Friday the Māori Affairs Select Committee tabled its report back to Parliament on the Māori Language (Te Reo Māori) Bill.  This means the bill can now be read for a second and a third time in Parliament, and can be passed into law later this

He Mihi ki a Ranginui Walker (1932-2016) 4 Mar 16 (6/2016)

  Whakarongo, e te rau! Tēnei te tipuna o te mate ka piri ki ahau. I tipu i Te Reinga, i tipu mai anō i te pōuritanga. Kua riro nei te uri o Te Whakatohea ki tua o Paerau, ki ngā ringaringa o te Wāhi Ngaro. E koro, e Rangi,
Settlements Treaty

Treaty Settlement Legislation Moved Through Parliament – 18 Mar 16 (8/2016)

  On Tuesday three Treaty settlement bills were read in Parliament, and then referred on to the Māori Affairs Select Committee. The first was the Te Ātiawa Claims Settlement Bill.  The settlement includes financial and commercial redress of $87 million.  The settlement also provides for the joint vesting of Ngā

Waitangi Tribunal Hearing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – 18 Mar 16 (8/2016)

  This week the Waitangi Tribunal has been hearing evidence in relation to the WAI claims against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  Panui 1/2016 provides background on this matter.  Our understanding is that the main arguments presented by the claimants this week are that: the trade agreement was introduced without due
Economic Land Treaty Tribunal reports

Te Ture Whenua Māori Reforms – Tribunal Report Released – 18 Mar 19 (8/2016)

  Last Friday the Waitangi Tribunal released its report on claims concerning the proposed reforms to the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993.  This lengthy 361-page (pre-publication) report is entitled He Kura Whenua Ka Rokohanga.[1] Subscribers may recall that one chapter of this report was released last month (Pānui 3/2106