
Māori News for the Week Ending 19 February 2016 – 19 Feb 2016 (4/2016)

  The three finalists for this year’s Ahuwhenua Māori farming (dairy) awards have been announced by Ministers.  These are Tahu a Tao farm in Rakaia, Te Ahu Pātiki and Maukatere near Oxford in Canterbury, and Tewi Trust near Tirau.

Co-Governance Guideline Report Released – 19 Feb 2016 (4/2106)

  Earlier this month the Auditor-General released a report entitled, Principles for Effectively Co-Governing Natural Resources.  Based on interviews and case study examples, the report identifies six principles for effective co-governance and co-management, such as ensuring shared understandings, ensuring the right competencies exist, transparency, and financial sustainability. We have not

Tai Tokerau – Māori Economic Information Sheets Released – 19 Feb 2016 (4/2016)

  In addition to the Tai Tokerau / Northland Economic Action Plan, simultaneously the Ministry for Primary Industries released two Māori-focussed Northland economic information sheets / posters.  These are entitled, Māori Agribusiness in Northland Mid-North Multiple Māori Land Blocks and Te Hiku Farms; and Te Tai Tokerau Māori Forestry Collective.[1]

Rating on Māori Land – Policy Change Announced – 19 Feb 2016 (4/2016)

  Last Thursday the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, announced that Cabinet has agreed to changes to remove rate arrears on unoccupied and unused Māori land, when either there is little prospect of the land ever being used, or there is a demonstrable commitment to use the land
Economic Government

Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan, 9 Feb 2016 (4/2016)

  As previously advised, two weeks ago the Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan was released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.  This is a circa 10-year development plan for the region, prepared by the Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan Advisory Group.[1]  Also released by the Ministry
Rōpu Māori

Te Aūpouri Māori Trust Board – Report Released Under OIA – 19 Feb 2016 (4/2016)

  Subscribers may recall that in September 2015 we advised that the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, had commissioned an investigation into the affairs of the Aupōuri Māori Trust Board.  This was undertaken by the consultancy firm Ernst and Young.  In late December Minister Flavell advised the review