
Māori New for the Week Ending 12 February 2016 (3/2016)

  The New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters is preparing to translate the Treaty of Waitangi into thirty languages (to mark its 30th anniversary).  The translations will be gifted to the people of New Zealand, and made available to new migrants. Following its governance review, Waikato Tainui has renamed

General Parliamentary and Political Matters – 12 Feb 2016 (3/2016)

  On Tuesday the Prime Minister, John Key, delivered his opening statement to parliament.  This speech sets out the Government’s policy agenda for the year.  There are no new policy items, although the speech notes that weaker than predicted dairy prices are slowing the economy, and therefore the Government’s budget

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Update – Statements from Māori Leaders – 12 Feb 2016 (3/2016)

  On Wednesday, Ngāhiwi Tomoana, released a statement on behalf of the Iwi Chairs Forum, in relation to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.  (Mr Tomoana, Chairman of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, is the lead iwi chair spokesperson on this matter.) Mr Tomoana indicated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Economic Land

Te Ture Whenua Māori Reforms – Tribunal Report (partial) Release – 12 Feb 16 (3/2016)

Last week we advised that the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, had released a second draft exposure bill on the proposed new Te Ture Whenua Māori legislation – to replace the existing 1993 Act – and that twenty ‘information’ hui were planned for this month.  We noted that