Rōpu Māori

Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

  A Bay of Plenty economic action plan has been released this week.  Our initial review indicates it has a number of areas of salient interest to Māori, and we are therefore reviewing further. Last Wednesday the Crown recognised Ngāti Wai Trust Board as the mandated authority to negotiate
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports

Waitangi Tribunal Report on Whanganui Released: week ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

Last week the Waitangi Tribunal released He Whiritaunoka, which is its circa 1,500 page report on 83 historic land claims (Treaty of Waitangi breaches) within the Whanganui rohe.  The Tribunal found the claims were largely well-founded, and that the Crown had caused significant harm to Māori in Whanganui, and recommends
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Aged-Care Research Released: week ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

On Tuesday the Ministry of Health released (online) Participation in Māori Society in Advanced Age.  This short report is derived from the broader cohort study, Te Puāwaitanga O Ngā Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu – Life and Living in Advanced Age – which involved a sample of Māori (aged 80 and
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Māori Health Statistics Report Released: week ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

This month the Ministry of Health published online, Tatau Kahukura: Māori Health Statistics.  This is a comprehensive statistical study of Māori to non-Māori demographic and health data comparisons.  The data, individually and collectively, shows ongoing health disparities between Māori and others, and this makes the report sombre reading. We advise
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Te Taura Whiri – Statement of Performance Expectations Released: week ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

Another Māori language planning document released this month was the Te Taura Whiri 2015/16 Statement of Performance Expectations (its business plan for the year to 30 June 2016).  Essentially this plan shows that the agency has developed 23 goals for the year, which align with its long-term strategic intentions, and
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori Language Sector Reforms: week ending 30 October 2015 (edition 38)

  Last week we advised that the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, indicated that cabinet had approved amendments to the current Māori Language Bill.  This bill is scheduled to replace the existing Māori Language Act (1987), and contains significant change proposals in relation to the functions of Māori