Rōpu Māori

Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Antony Royal, George Reedy, Vanessa Clark, Ian Taylor and Warren Williams have been appointed to a new Māori ICT Development Fund Advisory Group.  Along with three officials, the group will advise on the use of the $30 million fund formally established in Budget 2014.  We have previously advised on the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Te Ture Whenua Review – Waitangi Tribunal Claims: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

In mid-September we advised that the Waitangi Tribunal was giving consideration as to whether to grant urgency to claims against the proposed new Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill. (Pānui 27/2015 details the main components of this bill.)  There are three separate claims, and for hearing purposes these have been consolidated
Economic Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Hawkes Bay Seafood Investigation – Charges Laid: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Last September we advised that the Ministry for Primary Industries (and the Police) had undertaken a raid on Hawkes Bay Seafoods.  This company is the inshore fishing quota leasee for Ngāti Kahungunu, and for some other iwi – i.e. a company which catches fishing quota that has been allocated to
Health Rōpu Māori Social

Cancer Statistics Released: week ending 16 october 2015 (edition 36)

 This month the Ministry of Health released 2012 data on cancer rates in New Zealand.    From a Māori policy perspective, key findings were that: during the year 2,105 Māori were registered with cancer; Māori had a registration rate of 415 per 100,000 people; 26.2% higher than the rate for non-Māori;
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Māori Population Estimates Released: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Last month Statistics New Zealand published the Subnational Ethnic Population Projections: 2013(base)–2038.  These projections indicate the future population via regional council and territorial authority areas.  Overall the projections indicate that the Māori proportion of the total New Zealand population will increase from circa 16% to circa 23% by 2038. In
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Māori Births Data Released: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Last week the Ministry of Health released data tables on live births in 2013. From a Māori policy perspective key findings were: 14,917 Māori women gave birth – this represented 25% of all women who gave birth; the Māori birth rate was 95 per 1,000 Māori women of reproductive age
Corrections Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Justice Sector Prosecutions, Conviction and Sentencing Data Released: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Last month the Minister of Justice, Amy Adams, released a Ministry of Justice factsheet on criminal prosecutions for youth, and a second factsheet on adult convictions and sentencing rates. Youth Prosecutions In relation to youth (aged ten to sixteen years), the factsheet shows a trend of a continuing decline in
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

New Zealand Schools Report Released: week ending 16 October 2015 (edition 36)

Last month the Ministry of Education released the New Zealand Schools Report / Ngā Kura o Aotearoa 2014.  This 95-page report provides a comprehensive statistical record of schooling matters for 2014, including numbers of learners, teachers, and schools; along with educational outcomes achieved. Through all sections ethnic group data comparisons