Rōpu Māori

General Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 4 September 2015 (edition 31)

Dr Aroha Harris has been appointed as a Guardian Kaitiaki of the Alexander Turnbull Library for a three-year term. Last week Ngāti Paoa advised that the Crown’s decision to offer the iwi some commercial properties in central Auckland had prompted Ngāti Whātua o Ōrakei to take legal action against the
Education Rōpu Māori Social Te Reo

Kōhanga Reo Governance Matters: week ending 4 September 2015 (edition 31)

Last week the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, wrote to all kōhanga reo (463 centres) advising them of her position in relation to governance matters concerning the Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board (the Trust Board).  This is an unusual action, which she states is necessary in order to respond to
Education Rōpu Māori Social

Research on School Truancy Released: week ending 4 September 2015 (edition 31)

Last week the Ministry of Education released Attendance in New Zealand Schools 2014 – which despite its title actually presents data on non-attendance, including unjustified absences (truancy).  The report shows that in 2014 the total Māori unjustified absence rate was 7.4%, within the sample week selected for the research.  The
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Report on Child, Youth and Family (CYF) Service: week ending 4 September 2015 (edition 31)

Last week the Office of the Children’s Commissioner released a report on the quality of services from the Child, Youth and Family Service (CYFS), which is a division within the Ministry for Social Development.  The report is entitled, State of Care 2015. To assess quality the reviewers collated outcomes from
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo Treaty

Te Reo Māori – Apology Proposed: week ending 4 September 2015 (edition 31)

This week while giving evidence at the Waitangi Tribunal’s Te Papa rahi o Te Raki (Northland) inquiry, Dover Samuels gave evidence relating to receiving physical punishment (canings) at school for speaking Te Reo Māori, when he was a young child.  Mr Samuels is a former Member of Parliament (and Minister