Rōpu Māori

Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 26 June 2015 (edition 22/2015)

Ngāti Ranginui has reached a confidential agreement with the owners of the wreaked container ship, Rena.  The agreement means the iwi will no longer oppose a plan to leave the wreckage on Otaiti (Astrolabe Reef), off the coast of Tauranga.  Ngāti Ranginui has cited health and safety risks, environmental factors
Employment Health Housing Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Māori Disability Survey Report Released week ending 26 June 2015 (edition 22/2015)

On Tuesday Statistics New Zealand released He Hauā Māori; which comprises of Māori specific findings from the 2013 Disability Survey.  The survey identified one in four Māori as having a disability, with the most common types of impairment relating to mobility.   Overall the report finds that, “for many disabled Māori,
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Māori Suicide Prevention Programme Evaluation week ending 26 June 2015 (edition 22/2015)

Earlier this month the Ministry of Health published an evaluative report on its Māori suicide prevention programme.   The report is entitled, Kia Piki te Ora Suicide Prevention Programme Evaluation Final Report, and was prepared by Kahui Tautoko Consulting. The evaluation focused on both service delivery and service delivery impacts.  The
Education Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Government Submission on Child Wellbeing to the United Nations week ending 26 June 2015 (edition 22/2015)

Last Friday the Minister of Social Development, Anne Tolley, released the Government’s Fifth Periodic Report on the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Child. By way of background, as a United Nations (UN) signatory the New Zealand Government is required to report every five years on child welfare matters. 
Aquaculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Land Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Statistics on Māori Authorities Released week ending 26 June 2015 (edition 22/ 2015)

Last Friday Statistics New Zealand released a report on the aggregated financial performance of Māori authorities, entitled, Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2015.[1] [Note ‘Māori authorities’ are entities eligible for Māori authority status under the Tax Act 2007, or a commercial business that supports the Māori authority’s business and social activities, and