Rōpu Māori

Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 12 June 2015 edition 20/ 2015

Last week the Raukura Waikato Social Services Trust was closed, following suspected fraud.  All contracts with the Ministry of Social Development, the Department of Corrections and Ministry of Social Development were terminated, and a police investigation has commenced.  Trustees are negotiating with former funders for contracts and staff (now redundant)
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 Consultation week ending 12 June 2015 (edition 20/ 2015)

This week the Office of Treaty Settlements released a consultation document on the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.  The consultation is in relation to possible appointment processes and operating protocols for wardens; who will be appointed to promote compliance with wāhi tapū prohibitions and restrictions that can
Freshwater Policy Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports

WAI 2358 (Stage Two) – Freshwater and Geothermal Energy Claim week ending 12 June 2015 (edition 20/2015)

On Wednesday the Waitangi Tribunal released its decision on the possible timing for WAI 2358 (stage two) – the New Zealand Māori Council’s freshwater and geothermal energy claim.    The Tribunal has advised the claim is a ‘priority’, and that hearings will commence shortly after February 2016. Subscribers will likely recall
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Whatua – First-Right of Refusal Considerations week ending 12 June 2015 (edition 20/2015)

Last week we advised that Ngāti Whatua o Orakei was seeking legal advice as to whether the Crown is in breach of its Treaty settlement in regards to Government plans to dispose of Crown land for housing purposes in Auckland; without offering the iwi the first-right of refusal over such
Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Criminal Offending and Crime Victim Statistics week ending 12 June 2015 (edition 20/2015)

This month Statistics New Zealand has released Recorded Criminal Offender and Recorded Crime Victim data tables; for the ten-month period, July 2014 to April 2015.  These data tables are derived from New Zealand Police records, and can be disaggregated by a range of variables such as ethnicity, gender, justice outcomes,
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Te Reo

Māori Language – Proposed Legislative Changes – week ending 12 June 2015 (edition 20/2015)

This week Te Puni Kōkiri has released information from the Māori Language Advisory Panel regarding the panel’s proposals to improve upon the current draft Māori Language (Te Reo Māori) Bill. By way of background, in December 2013 the then Minister of Māori Affairs, Tā Pita Sharples, began consultation on a