
Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

  Ria Bond (Ngati Hine) has been confirmed as the new list Member of Parliament for New Zealand First.  Ms Bond replaces Winston Peters who is now the elected Member of Parliament for Northland. Dean Ngaiwi Moana has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou. Last
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Disability Support Research Released week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/ 2015)

This week the Ministry of Health released an online report which provides information on the use of disability support services (derived from a September 2013 survey).  The report is entitled, Demographic Information on Clients Using the Ministry of Health’s Disability Support, and provides 119 pages of bullet-points, tables and figures. 
Employment Health Housing Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Aged-Care Research Released week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

In March the Ministry of Health released a report entitled, Medication Use and Perceptions of GP Care in Advanced Age.[1] This report presents information about the use of prescribed medications and perceptions of General Practitioner (GP) services for Māori (aged 80 and above), and non-Māori (aged 85 and above).   From
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori Affairs Select Committee – Interim Report, Te Reo Māori Bill week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

On 2 April the Māori Affairs Select Committee provided an interim report on the Māori Language (Te Reo Māori) Bill.  By way of background this bill was introduced to parliament by the former Minister of Māori Affairs, Dr Sharples, in July 2014.[1]  The bill is the legislative vehicle for implementing the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Benefit Factsheets for the Quarter Ending 31 March 2015 week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

Last Friday the Ministry of Social Development released the Benefit Factsheets for the quarter to 31 March 2015.  We have undertaken an analysis of the various factsheets and have consolidated Māori-specific data into the table that follows for your perusal. In total, at the end of the quarter 284,260 New
Education Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Education Statistics – NCEA Data Released week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

This month the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) released summary excel tables on NCEA results for 2014.[1]  Although the agency no longer provides database access to search NCEA outcomes, we have been able to cross-tabulate the summary tables with Ministry of Education school enrolment data, to produce more useful information
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Tūwharetoa -Treaty Settlement Purchase week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

On Wednesday the Minister of Corrections, Peseta Sam-Lotu-liga, announced that Ngāti Tūwharetoa will purchase circa 8,500 hectares of property in the central North Island from the Department of Corrections.  This includes the site of the Tongariro-Rangipo Corrections Facility and Hautu Prison Farm.  The Department of Corrections will continue to own
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Rotorua Lakes Council – Te Arawa Partnership Model week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

This week the Rotorua Lakes Council advised it had received circa 1,900 public submissions on its proposed Te Arawa partnership model (including a petition of 1,370 signatures against the proposal).  This governance model was supported by the Council in December 2014 (10-3 vote), subject to further community consultation.  In essence
Agriculture Private Posts Protests Rōpu Māori

Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa – Land Protest week ending 24 April 2015 (edition 13/2015)

On Sunday night Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa held a protest occupation on Mapunaatea, a farm in south Wairarapa.  The iwi was seeking to acquire the dairy farm from the Māori Education Trust, however the Education Trust elected to sell the farm to another party.  (Ngāti Kahungunu had tendered to purchase