Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Vision Impairment Research Report Released: week ending 27 March 2015 (edition 9/2015)

On Monday the Ministry of Health released a report entitled, ‘Stocktake and Needs Analysis of Low Vision Services in New Zealand’.  The report, prepared by consultancy firm Litmus Limited, considers vison impairment issues, based on a literature review and expert interviewing.  In relation to Māori the report finds: 5% of
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori Language Commission – Accountability Documents: week ending 27 March 2015 (edition 9/2015)

On 23 December 2014 the Māori Language Commission / Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, had its two overdue accountability documents tabled in parliament; these being its 2014 Statement of Intent[1] (business plan), and its Annual Report to June 2014.  These documents, along with the Commission’s Statement of Performance
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Huarahi Tika Trust: week ending 27 March 2015 (edition 9/2015)

On Wednesday the Huarahi Tika Trust released a media statement which indicated they have “retired all debt” in relation to their shareholding within 2 Degrees Mobile.   We do not consider this an accurate representation of its business activities. By way of a summary background, this Trust was established in 2000/01,
Agriculture Economic Education Government Rōpu Māori Te Reo Treaty

Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 27 March 2015 (edition 9/2015)

  Last Thursday the Members’ Bill of Meka Whaitiri was drawn from the ballot in parliament, and is now lodged on the Parliamentary Order Paper.[1] The bill is the Environmental Protection Authority (Protection of Environment) Amendment Bill.  Ms Whaitiri proposes to insert a new objective in the Environment Protection Authority
Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Justice Sector Prosecutions, Conviction and Sentencing Data Released: week ending 27 March 2015 (edition 9/2015)

This week the Minister for Courts and Justice, Amy Adams, released a Ministry of Justice factsheet on criminal prosecutions for youth, and a second factsheet on adult conviction and sentencing rates. Youth Prosecutions In relation to youth (aged ten to sixteen years), the factsheet shows a trend of continuing decline