
Māori news stories for the week ending 13 March 2015: edition 7/2015

  * This week Te Māngai Pāho released a Request for Proposals for its innovation fund. There is $500,000 available for digital initiatives which promote Māori language and culture.  Applications close 17 April 2015, details can be found here: * The Māori Fisheries Conference will be held on 24
Private Posts Social

Te Kupenga 2013 (Māori Social Survey) – Further Data Release: week ending 13 March 2015 (edition 7/2015)

On Thursday Statistics New Zealand published, A Matter of Trust: Patterns of Māori Trust in Institutions 2013.  This report provides data from the 2013 Te Kupenga Survey of Māori well-being.  The main focus is on Māori trust in the police and in the media, although other institutions such as the

Māori in Business Report released: week ending 13 March 2015 (edition 7/ 2015)

On Thursday the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment released a 2014 report entitled, Māori In Business.   This report presents quantitative information from the 2006 and 2013 Censuses on Māori who identified as either ‘self-employed’ or ‘employing others’.  We consider the key findings are that: 21,700 Māori run their own
Private Posts Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Tūwharetoa Agreement in Principle Signed: week ending 13 July 2015 (edition 7/2015)

Last Friday, the Minister for Treaty Negotiations, Chris Finlayson, announced that the Crown and Ngāti Tūwharetoa had signed an Agreement in Principle to settle historical Treaty claims.  This settlement contains commercial redress of $25 million, in addition to financial redress already provided to Ngāti Tūwharetoa via the Central North Island
Economic Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Tāia Kia Matariki – Review of the Māori Commercial Fisheries Structures: from week ending 13 March (edition 7/2015)

Last Friday a review of the Māori Fisheries Act was released (which focuses on the entities established within the Act).  The full title is, Tāia Kia Matariki, Make Sure the Net Is Closely Woven, Independent Review of Māori Commercial Fisheries Structures Under The Māori Fisheries Act 2004. The review was