Education Rōpu Māori Social Te Reo

Māori news stories for the week ending 20 February 2015 (edition 4/2015)

  This week the Māori Affairs Select Committee heard oral submissions in relation to the Māori Language (Te Reo Māori).  A number of speakers expressed a level of concern with the structural proposal within the Bill, to create a new Māori language entity called Te Mātāwai.  For example, Sir Edward
Corrections Education Employment Health Housing Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Salvation Army – State of the Nation Report: week ending 20 February 2015 (edition 4/2015)

Last week the Salvation Army released its 2015 ‘State of the Nation Report’ which this year is subtitled, ‘A Mountain All Can Climb’.  This is an annual report on social wellbeing prepared by the Army’s social policy unit.  As with previous years the report divides into five chapters these being;
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Better Public Service Goals – Revised Targets: week ending 20 February 2015 (edition 4/2015)

This week the Minister of Finance, Bill English, and the Minister of State Services, Paula Bennett, announced changes to the Better Public Service Goals.  The most prominent change is deleting the target of reducing long-term unemployment beneficiaries to 55,000 people by 2017; and replacing it with a target of reducing
Aquaculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Land Oil Exploration Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Economic Strategic Plan Released – He Tangata He Whenua He Oranga: week ending 20 February 2015 (edition 4/2015)

Coinciding with the release of the above report, a Te Taitokerau Māori economic growth strategy was also released this month, which is entitled, He Tangata He Whenua He Oranga.  This strategy was prepared by a consortium of six Te Taitokerau Iwi Chief Executives, with funding from Te Puni Kōkiri.[1] This
Agriculture Aquaculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Land Oil Exploration Private Posts

Te Taitokerau / Northland – Economic Growth Study: week ending 20 February 2015 (edition 4/2015)

Earlier this month Ministers Steven Joyce and Nathan Guy released a report on economic activities and potential within Te Taitokerau / Northland.  The report, prepared by MartinJenkins (a consultancy firm) is entitled, The Taitokerau Northland Regional Growth Study.[1] This is the second report in a series of regional growth studies
Economic Land Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Ministerial Advisory Group on Māori Land Announced: week ending 20 Feburary 2015 (editon 4/ 2015)

On Wednesday the Minister for Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell, announced appointees to a new Ministerial Advisory Group to progress the introduction of new Māori land legislation – i.e. legislation to replace Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. The members are Kingi Smiler (chair), Matanuku Mahuika, Traci Houpapa, Spencer Webster,