Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 30 January 2015

  Rātana Pā Celebrations were held last weekend.  This is the celebration of the birth of Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana (1873–1939).  Along with Māori dignitaries, the Governors-General and leaders from political parties attended.  This year, however, the Prime Minister did not attend. Last week former Labour Party MP Georgina Beyer raised
Agriculture Economic Forestry Land Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Ministry of Primary Industries – Māori Agribusiness Reports Released week ending 30 January 2015 (edition 2/2015)

In late December 2014 the Ministry of Primary Industries released two reports on Māori agribusiness.  The first was prepared by consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers and is entitled “Growing the Productive Base of Māori Land – Partial National Cost-Benefit Analysis”.  The second report, by Kinnect Group, is entitled “Māori Agribusiness Prototype Projects:
Employment Private Posts Social Welfare

Benefit Factsheets to 31 December 2014 week ending 30 January 2015 (edition 2/2015)

On 16 January the Ministry of Social Development released the Benefit Factsheets for the quarter to 31 December 2014.  We have undertaken an analysis of the various factsheets and have consolidated Māori-specific data into the table that follows for your perusal. In total, at the end of the quarter 309,145
Employment Government Housing Private Posts Rōpu Māori

State of the Nation Speeches week ending 30 January 2015 (edition 2/2015)

On Wednesday two political ‘State of the Nation’ speeches were delivered.  The first by Labour Party leader, Andrew Little, and the second by the Prime Minister, John Key. Andrew Little’s Speech In his speech Mr Little emphasised the need for policies that support small businesses, in order to reduce unemployment