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Māori news week ending 28 November 2014

Naida Glavish, Rāhui Papa, Sir Mark Solomon, Richard Steedman, Raniera (Sonny) Tau and Dr Hope Tūpara have been appointed as the iwi representatives to the Whānau Ora Partnership Group. This group is a forum of ministerial and iwi representatives. The group will determine Whānau Ora outcomes for the three Commissioning
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori Language Entities: Briefings to Incoming Ministers and Statements of Intent: week ending 28 november 2014 (edition 42)

As advised previously, Briefings to Incoming Ministers (‘BIMs’) have been released.  These are briefings delivered after an election, and designed to inform ministers about: (i) the functions and structure of agencies within their portfolios; (ii) key policy challenges and sector priorities; and (iii) parliamentary and legislative matters at hand. Pānui
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Māori Economy in the Waikato Region – Research Report Released: week ending 28 November 2014 (edition 42)

  Last week Te Puni Kōkiri released a report entitled, The Māori Economy in the Waikato Region.  Although released under the agency’s logo, a separate media statement identifies that the report was actually written by an external consultancy, namely Business, and Economic Research Limited (BERL).[1] We advise this 52-page report