Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 21 November 2014 (edition 41)

  Dr Pita Sharples has been named patron of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, the current Māori Centre of Research Excellence, attached to The University of Auckland. On Wednesday Te Puni Kōkiri released a report entitled, Māori Economy in the Waikato Region.[1]  The report appears to be derived largely from
Aquaculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Government Land Mining Oil Exploration Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Briefings to Incoming Ministers: Natural Resources and Primary Industries: week ending 28 November 2014 (edition 41)

As advised last week, Briefings to Incoming Ministers (‘BIMs’) have been released.  These are briefings delivered after an election, and designed to inform ministers about: (i) the functions and structure of agencies within their portfolios; (ii) key policy challenges and sector priorities; and (iii) parliamentary and legislative matters at hand.