Rōpu Māori

General Māori News Stories for the Week Ending 31 October 2014

  Next week the Privy Council will hear the appeal case for Teina Pora against his conviction for the rape and murder of Susan Burdett in 1993.  Mr Pora is currently on parole, but had been incarcerated for twenty years.  The appeal centres on the reliability of Mr Pora’s confession
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Television New Zealand – Māori Service Changes: week ending 31 October 2014 (edition 38)

Television New Zealand (TVNZ) has announced that it intends to outsource the majority of its Māori and Pacific programming, rather than continue producing programmes in-house.  The only specific Māori programme to remain produced by TVNZ will be Te Karere – meaning programmes such as Marae and Waka Huia, or replacement
Economic Private Posts

Work-related Injury Claims 2013: week ending 31 October 2014 (edition 38)

Earlier this month Statistics New Zealand released workplace injury data for the 2013 calendar year.  The data shows a work-related injury claim rate of 93 per 1,000 full-time Māori workers.  This Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) claim rate compares with 88 per 1,000 European New Zealand workers. For the same period,
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

UNICEF Report on Child Poverty Rates: week ending 31 October 2014 (edition 38)

  This week the Research Unit of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) released a report on child poverty, bluntly entitled, Children of the Recession – The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries.  The report considers whether poverty has increased or decreased in 41 ‘rich’
Government Private Posts

Māori Affairs Select Committee Confirmed: week ending 31 October (edition 38)

 Following the election the new Māori Affairs Select Committee has been announced, as shown in the table below.  We note that first-term member of Parliament, Tutehounuku (‘Nuk’) Korako has been appointed as the Chair.   We also note there is only one non-Māori, Chester Borrows, with no obvious background reason for
Economic Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Te Reo Treaty

Te Puni Kōkiri – Annual Report to 30 June 2014: week ending 31 October 2014 (edition 38)

Last Tuesday the Te Puni Kōkiri Annual Report for the year to 30 June 2014 was tabled in parliament.  The purpose of this report is to outline the quality of service outputs, and the financial performance achieved in the last year.  By way of background, for the year in review