Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Freshwater Claim – 26 September 2014 (edition 34)

Last Friday the New Zealand Māori Council released on its website a memorandum prepared for the Waitangi Tribunal on 12 September 2014, in relation to the National Fresh Water and Geothermal Resources claim (WAI 2358). By way of background, WAI 2358 was lodged by the Māori Council in February 2012.4
Economic Employment Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Sealord – Staff Retrenching: 26 September 2014 (edition 34)

Sealord has announced it will reduce 97 jobs from its Nelson-based factory. Chairperson, Matanuku Mahuika, has indicated the change is required to maintain viability, and that the company should be able to return to profit this year, and make a payment to its shareholders. (Sealord is 50% owned by Aotearoa
Economic Fisheries Private Posts

Hawkes Bay Seafood Investigation – 26 September 2014 (edition 34)

On Wednesday compliance officers from the Ministry for Primary Industries undertook a raid on Hawkes Bay Seafoods. This company is the inshore fishing quota leasee for Ngāti Kahungunu (i.e. the company which catches inshore fishing quota provided to Ngāti Kahungunu through its Treaty of Waitangi settlement).4 The investigation is significant,
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

New Plymouth District Council – Māori Ward – 26 September 2014 (edition 34)

On Tuesday the New Plymouth District Council voted in favour (7-6) of a recommendation from its policy subcommittee to establish a Māori Ward. The ward is now scheduled to be introduced at the local government elections in 2016. However local government legislation provides that if there is a petition by
Government Private Posts

General Election Matters – Concluding Comments from Political Parties: 19 September 2014 (edition 33)

Within the last two editions of Pānui we have reviewed General Election policy statements which have high relevance to Māori. Edition 31/2014 reviewed political proposals concerning the Treaty of Waitangi and Māori wellbeing overall. I.e. topics such as whether Māori representative seats should be retained in parliament, whether Māori-specific policies
Education Private Posts Social

New Zealand Qualifications Authority – Statement of Intent (2014 – 2018) 19 September 2014 (edition 33)

Our assessment of the 2014 Statement of Intent from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority is mixed. First, we note their environmental scan finds that, “the success of Māori learners is vital to New Zealand’s identity and its economy”. This may well be true, although the Authority may also wish to
Education Private Posts Social

Tertiary Education Commission –Statement of Intent (2014-2018) 19 September 2014 (edition 33)

The Tertiary Education Commission manages the bulk of the Government’s investment in tertiary education, by investing in educational placements and research. It has three investment objectives (‘impacts’); (i) increasing the proportion of the population with a tertiary education qualification, (ii) improving research quality, (iii) ensuring tertiary education provision better matches
Education Private Posts Social

Ministry of Education – Statement of Intent (2014-2018) 19 September 2014 (edition 33/2014)

In 2012 and 2013 the Ministry of Education determined that its first objective was to ensure the education system provided good outcomes for all learners. This included stating that Māori learners are a group who require better educational services, and were therefore a ‘priority’. In doing this the Ministry used
Education Private Posts

Statements of Intent – Education sector 19 September 2014 (edition 33/2014)

Following the Government’s Budget in May, statements of intent for government agencies and Crown entities are tabled in parliament, and then published. These documents are in effect strategic business plans – an outline of what issues are important and what work is planned. They come into effect from 1 July