
Māori news stories for the week ending 22 August 2014

  Today the Crown is delivering its formal apology to Ngāi Tūhoe for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi.  (Pānui 25/2014 refers.) On Tuesday Tainui held koroneihana (coronation) celebrations for King Tuheitia.  This year the Kingitanga movement introduced its own honours system to recognise people who have made an outstanding

2014 Election Policy Commitments; 22 August 2014 (edition 29/2014)

  Political parties are now in the process of releasing their policy commitments in advance of the General Election next month. To date, the most significant Māori-specific item has been the release on Sunday of the Labour Party’s ‘Māori Development’ Policy.  This proposes working with iwi and hapū to establish

Chatham Rise – Phosphate Mining Application; 22 August 2014 (edition 29/2014)

  Last Friday Ngā Kaihautū Tikanga Taiao, the Māori Advisory Committee of the Environmental Protection Authority, released a report on a proposal by Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited for a marine consent to mine phosphate in the Chatham Rise. [By way of background, Chatham Rock Phosphate is proposing seabed mining of

Suicide Statistics Released; 22 August 2014 (edition 29/2014)

  On Wednesday the Chief Coroner, Judge MacLean, released provisional annual suicide figures for the year to 30 June 2014.  Within the year there were 529 suicides.  This included 108 Māori suicides, which is three more than the previous year. The Māori suicide rate was 18 per 100,000 people.  This

Te Puni Kōkiri – Strategic Intentions 2014-2018; 22 August 2014 (edition 29/2014)

  In our rolling briefings on the annual business plans of government entities this week we have assessed the 2014 Strategic Intentions document of Te Puni Kōkiri.  We advise this document was tabled in parliament last Thursday, despite already coming into effect on 1 July. Generally with these types of