
ACT Party Speech on Māori Privileges; 1 August 2014 (edition 26/2014)

Last Saturday the Act party leader, Jamie Whyte, gave a speech outing his party’s views on ‘racial law’.  Within this speech Mr Whyte reaffirmed that the Act Party seeks to have the Māori representative seats within parliament abolished and that, if elected, the party would seek to make amendments to

Crown Forestry Rental Trust Court Ruling; 1 August 2014 (edition 26/2014)

On Tuesday Justice Stephen Kos of the Wellington High Court released a judgement in relation to the various disputes arising amongst the trustees of the Crown Forestry Rental Trust (CFRT) and associated appointment bodies. By way of background, this Trust has a relatively simple and mechanical function – to grant
Settlements Treaty

Nga Mana Whenua o Tamaki Makaurau Collective Redress Bill; 1 August 2014 (26/2014)

Last week the third and final reading of the Nga Mana Whenua o Tamaki Makaurau Collective Redress Bill was completed in parliament.  This legislation recognises the historical claims of thirteen iwi and hapū over their shared interests in the Auckland area, including fourteen of the region’s maunga (volcanic cones), and
Economic Fisheries

Foreign Charter Vessels Legislation Introduced; 1 August 2014 (26/2014)

On Wednesday the Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill was read for a third time in parliament, and will now pass into law. The law implements the Government’s decisions on the prohibition of foreign charter vessels, following allegations of mistreatment and underpayment of foreign crews.  In essence,
Te Reo

Te Reo Rangatira – further policy updates; 1 August 2014 (edition 26/2014)

Last week we advised on Māori language policy matters, in particular the Government’s proposed Māori Language Strategy, and proposed legislation.  In our briefing we noted that the Government had not released an actual strategy document, and we therefore outlined the key strategic components agreed to by Cabinet in May. We
Employment Social Welfare

Household Income Report Released; 1 August (edition 26/2014)

In July the Ministry of Social Developed released its annual report on household incomes.  This report is important as it is often the key source document for many other reports and statements on matters such as child poverty and household earnings.  The report is entitled, ‘Household incomes in New Zealand:
Social Welfare

Benefit Factsheets to 30 June 2014; 1 August 2014 (edition 26/2014)

The Ministry of Social Development has released the Benefit Factsheets for the quarter to 31 March 2014.[1]  We have undertaken an analysis of the various factsheets, and have consolidated Māori specific data into the table below for your perusal. In total circa 293,586 New Zealanders (and their households) are welfare

Māori news stories for the week ending 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

Conservative Party leader, Colin Craig, has announced that one of their policy platforms will be to remove Māori representative seats from Parliament.  The Party considers the seats a form of injustice segregation. The five employees suspended from the Western Institute of Technology (WITT) in Taranaki, while the polytechnic investigated issues

New Zealand Police – New Māori Staff Structure; 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

The New Zealand Police are to appoint twelve Māori inspectors.  These are senior officer roles, which will work alongside district commanders and focus on reducing prosecution rates for Māori.  This action is considered to be part of their Māori strategy, Turning of the Tide.  Refer to Pānui 1/2013 for a
Treaty Tribunal reports

Waitangi Tribunal Interim Report on the MV Rena and Motiti Islands Claim; 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

  Last Friday the Waitangi Tribunal released an interim report on the claim against how the Crown has consulted with Māori affiliating to Motiti Island, in regards to a resource consent application concerning the grounding of MV Rena on Otaiti (Astrolabe) Reef.[1] [By way of background the resource consent application
Settlements Treaty

Te Urewera – Tūhoe Claims Settlement; 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

  Yesterday Parliament read for a third time the Te Urewera Bill and the Tūhoe Claims Settlement Bill.  The bills become law upon receiving Royal Assent from the Governor-General.  These bills give effect to the Deed of Settlement signed in June 2013 between Ngāi Tūhoe and the Crown. The Tūhoe
Government Te Reo

Te Reo Rangatira; 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

  Background This week is Māori language week and accordingly this briefing focuses on te reo Māori policy matters.  Additionally this year the outgoing Minister of Māori Affairs, Dr Sharples, has elected to use this week to progress a new Māori language bill which is discussed below. By way of
Te Reo

Te Reo Rangatira; 25 July 2014 (edition 25/2014)

Te Reo Rangatira[i] He Whakamārama Ko te Wiki tēnei o te Reo Māori, ā, nā konei ka hāngai tēnei pānui ki ngā kaupapa mō te reo Māori. Hei āpiti atu, kua whakatakoto te Minita mō ngā Take Māori i tāna Pire hou mō te Reo Māori. Kei te kōrerotia tēnei