
Māori news stories for the week ending 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

Today the consultancy firm Business, Economic Research Limited (BERL) released on its website a report on the economic impact of wānanga.  This report had been subject to some media attention earlier in the week, but was not publicly available.  We will provide a review of this report in edition 22/2014

Appointments and Awards; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

Last Saturday Te Rua O Te Moko Ltd won the 2014 Ahuwhenua Trophy, Māori Excellence in Farming Award. Robin Hapi has been reappointed to the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Board.
Aquaculture Economic Fisheries Mining Protests

Ngāti Ruanui Successful in Opposition to Iron Sand Mining; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

On Wednesday a decision-making panel of the Environment Protection Authority released their decision on an application by Trans-Tasman Resources (TTR) for marine consent to mine for iron sand.  The panel declined the consent application. By way of background, the proposal was to extract iron sand in a 66 square kilometre
Settlements Treaty

Ngāruahine Treaty Settlement; 20 June (edition 21/2014)

Ngāruahine negotiators also initiated a Deed of Settlement with the Crown on 4 June, to settle all of their historic treaty claims.  As above, the Office of Treaty Settlements has only just released relevant materials for public review.  For this settlement the proposed financial / commercial redress is $67.5 million.
Settlements Treaty

Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Treaty Settlement; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

Earlier this month (4 June) Te Atiawa (Taranaki) negotiators initiated a Deed of Settlement with the Crown, to settle all of their historic treaty claims.  We advised that while this was reported in the media, the Office of Treaty Settlements has only just released relevant materials for public review.  As
Treaty Tribunal reports

Te Aroha Maunga Settlement Process Report; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

On Monday the Waitangi Tribunal released a report on claims relating to the Hauraki iwi collective, and in particular Te Aroha Maunga. By way of background, in 2006 the Tribunal found iwi in Hauraki had well founded historic claims relating to breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi.  In response to

Te Puni Kōkiri Review; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

This week Māori media outlets have discussed proposed restructuring at Te Puni Kōkiri; including the possibility of the closure of some smaller offices, and possible staffing level reductions from 366 positions to 292 positions.  (This is a reduction of 74 positions, although the agency already has 80 vacancies due to

Report on Tertiary Education Outcomes for Māori Released; 20 June 2014 (edition 21/2014)

This month the Ministry of Education released a new report on tertiary education results for Māori.  The report is entitled, The outcomes of tertiary education for Māori graduates – what Māori graduates earn and do after their tertiary education. We advise this is an 88-page technical report which undertakes statistical
Social Welfare

Glenn Inquiry Report Released; 20 June (edition 21/2014)

On Monday the Glenn Inquiry released a research report on child abuse and domestic violence entitled, ‘The People’s Report’.[1] [By way of background the Glenn Inquiry is an independent, non-Government, initiative sponsored by Sir Owen Glenn to identify means to reduce child abuse and domestic violence.  The Inquiry is chaired