
Māori news stories for the week ending 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

The Ahuwhenua Awards are being held tonight in Tauranga.  The three finalists nominated for the Ahuwhenua trophy are Putauaki Trust’s Himiona Farm, Ngakauroa Dairy Farm (Ngāti Awa), and Te Rua o Te Moko Ltd. On Monday The Health Research Council confirmed funding for three Māori-focused research projects, totalling circa $3.6
Settlements Treaty

Te Wairoa Agreement in Principle Reached; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

Also on Wednesday another Agreement in Principle for the settlement of historic Treaty breaches was entered into between the Crown and iwi and hapū associated with Te Wairoa.   The Te Wairoa cluster includes Ngāti Rākaipaaka, Rongomaiwahine/Ngāi Te Rākatō, the Wairoa Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board, Ngāi Tamaterangi/Hinemanuhiri, Whakakī Nui-ā-Rua and Te
Settlements Treaty

Heretaunga-Tamatea Agreement in Principle Reached; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

On Wednesday Heretaunga-Tamatea, a Ngāti Kahungunu large natural grouping (southern Napier to Takapau), entered into an Agreement in Principle with the Crown to settle all historic Treaty of Waitangi breaches.  The tentative agreement provides for financial redress of $100 million, including $2 million to establish a habitat restoration fund for
Economic Land

Economic Report Released; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

On Tuesday the Minister of Finance, Bill English, and the Minister for Economic Development, Steven Joyce, released an economic development report entitled, Business Growth Agenda, Future Directions 2014.  Despite the title, this is actually a report back on activities to date relating to the Government’s Business Growth Agenda, (i.e. not
Health Social

Mental Health and Addiction Services Data; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

This week the Ministry of Health has released data on the use of mental health and addiction services, in the year 2010/11.  These tables show Māori have a disproportionally high rate of service use in these areas.  Of the total 137,346 clients seen by mental health and addiction services, 33,016

Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board and Te Pataka Ohanga Limited; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

This week the Serious Fraud Office released a statement indicating that its investigation into Te Pataka Ohanga Limited (TPO), a subsidy of the Kōhanga Reo National Trust, did not identify any criminal offending.   Accordingly the Office has indicated it will take no further action on this matter. The statement notes
Social Welfare

Benefit Funding Changes – Sole Parents; 13 June 2014 (edition 20/2014)

On Tuesday the Minister for Tertiary Education, Steven Joyce, conjointly with the Minister for Social Development, Paula Bennett, announced policy changes to better facilitate access to tertiary education for people on the sole parent benefit.  These changes will impact on the circa 35,000 Māori in receipt of this benefit; (which