
Appointments and Awards (edition 19/2014)

On Monday Queen’s Birthday Honours were announced.   This list included: DNZM (Dame Companions of the New Zealand Order of Merit): The Honourable Lowell Patria Goddard, QC, of Wellington. For services to the law. Ms Patricia Lee Reddy, of Wellington. For services to the arts and business.  (Dame Patricia is not

Māori news stories for the week ending 6 June 2014 (edition 19/2014)

Ngāti Kahungunu has entered into an agreement with Sealord that allows for Sealord to catch the iwi’s deep-sea fishing quota.  The agreement is for five-years with a further five-year renewal option for the iwi.  The parties will also work to ensure jobs generated through the venture are targeted towards Ngāti
Protests Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Whakahemo Court Proceedings (edition 19/2014)

Last week in the Wellington High Court, Justice Joe Williams issued an Interim Judgement in a case concerning the sale of a Landcorp Farm, Whārere, to Micro Farms Ltd.  The sale occurred on 4-5 March 2014. The case had been brought to the Court by Mr Mita Ririnui, on behalf
Government Health Social

Health data released (edition 19/2014)

This week the Ministry of Health released hospital discharge data.  This shows that Māori account for 16.4% of publicly-funded hospital treatments.  Age-standardised data shows circa 22,000 hospital discharges per 100,000 New Zealanders; whereas the Māori specific rate was circa 27,000 hospital discharges per 100,000.[1]   This information is consistent with known
Education Government Social Te Reo

Funding for Māori-medium teacher training (edition 19/2014)

This week the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, announced that funding has been set aside to extend postgraduate-level initial teacher education services in Māori-medium education (and also in early childhood education).  This funding will be used to purchase places in training courses, of one-year in duration, for people who already
Economic Government

Regional Economic Analysis Report Released (edition 19/2014)

Yesterday the Minister of Economic Development, Steven Joyce, released a report on economic performance within geographical regions in New Zealand.  This is the second annual report on regional economic matters.  (For a review of the earlier 2013 report refer to Pānui 14/2013.) Perhaps in partial response to the Commissioner for
Economic Oil Exploration

Report on Oil and Gas Drilling released (edition 19/2014)

On Wednesday the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Jan Wright, released a report entitled, Drilling for oil and gas in New Zealand: environmental oversight and regulation.  This is the Commissioner’s second report focused on the environmental impacts of the oil and gas exploration industry, including ‘fracking’. [By way for