Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 2 May 2014

  Judge Patrick Savage has been appointed as the Deputy Chairperson of the Waitangi Tribunal.  He replaces Judge Stephanie Milroy who is stepping down from the Deputy Chair role for health reasons. Dr Kathie Irwin has been appointed as a Council member of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (Crown appointment). Richard
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

East Coast Regional Economic Potential Study: E14 week ending 2 May 2014

  Last week a lengthily 338-page report was released on the economic potential of the East Coast region (for this report the East Coast region is considered to be Gisborne, Wairoa, Napier and Hastings).  The report is entitled, East Coast Regional Economic Potential Study, and is divided into two components;
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāpuhi settlement matters: E14 2 May 2014

Last week the Minister for Treaty Negotiations, Chris Finlayson, met with Ngāti Hine, to hear directly their proposals on a separate settlement process.  The hapū/iwi have consistently indicated that they do not consent to being a part of a wider Ngāpuhi settlement, which is to be negotiated by Tūhoronuku.  Following
Economic Mining Private Posts Protests Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Ruanui – Environmental Protection Authority hearings

  Environmental Protection Authority hearings regarding an application for consent to mine iron sand off the Patea coast by Trans-Tasman Resources (TTR) continued this week.[1]  The consent has been opposed by Ngāti Ruanui, and is precedent setting for the Authority in regards to considering iwi environmental concerns (it is the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Treaty

Ngāti Porou and the Crown agree a relationship accord: E14 2 May 2014

Last week Ngāti Porou and the Crown formalised a Relationship Accord, which was previously agreed to as a part of the Treaty Settlement between the two parties in 2012 (Pānui 4/2012 provides details).  The Accord provides for an annual summit between Ministers and iwi leaders, and commits the Crown to
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

New Zealand Māori Council – Māori Language Strategy Treaty claim: E14 2 May 2014

  This week the New Zealand Māori Council (Māori Council) have indicated they are likely to seek an urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing (i.e. file a claim) against the proposed new Government Māori Language Strategy.  By way of background, last December the Minister of Māori Affairs, Dr Sharples, announced broad proposals
Corrections Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Youth crime reduction initiatives: E14 2 May 2014

  On Monday the Associate Minister for Justice, Chester Borrows, announced that six community organisations had been successful in applying for funds to reduce youth offending.  The grants, which collectively total $400,000, are part of the Government’s Youth Crime Action Plan.  (Pānui edition 39/2013 provides a summary and analysis of
Employment Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Benefit factsheets for the quarter ending 31 March 2014: E14 2 May 2014

The Ministry of Social Development has released the Benefit Factsheets for the quarter to 31 March 2014.[1]  This is the third publication of data relating to new benefit categories which came into existence on 15 July 2013.  We have undertaken an analysis of the various factsheets, and have consolidated Māori