Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Government reply to a Māori Affairs Select Committee Report: E13 24 April 2014

Earlier this month the Government released its response to the Māori Affairs Committee’s, Inquiry into the Determinants of Wellbeing for Tamariki Māori. By way of background, this inquiry was called for by opposition parties on the Committee in 2011, but it took over two years to conclude, with the final
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Māori Affairs Select Committee release a report on the Te Urewera-Tūhoe Bill: E13, 24 April 2014

This week the Māori Affairs Select Committee released their report on the Te Urewera-Tūhoe Bill. This bill, if passed into legislation, will give effect to the Deed of Settlement signed in June 2013, between Ngāi Tūhoe and the Crown. (The settlement redress value is approximately $170 million.) The bill is
Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories to 24 April 2014

Last week Statistics New Zealand released further data on the demographic composition of the New Zealand population, based on Census 2013. This data (re)confirms that Māori comprise 15% of the total population, and that Māori have a significantly younger age profile than European-New Zealanders. The Māori median age is 23.9