Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Tūhoronuku – Update on the Ngāpuhi Mandating Process: E10 week ending 28 March 2014

This week Ngāti Hine released a media statement indicating that the hapū/iwi has now joined a Waitangi Tribunal claim, (WAI 2341), which requests the Tribunal to urgently inquire into the Crown’s settlement approach with Ngāpuhi. This action follows ongoing concern from Ngāti Hine, and other hapū/iwi within the Te Kōtahitanga
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Whanganui River Iwi Initial a Deed of Settlement: E10 week ending 28 March 2014

On Wednesday a cluster of Whanganui Iwi initialled a Deed of Settlement with the Crown in relation to the Whanganui River. The settlement, if ratified by iwi groups and then passed into legislation, will establish the Whanganui River as a separate legal entity and provide for the recognition of the
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Services Committee Welfare

Vulnerable Children Bill – Select Committee Report Back: E10 week ending 28 March 2014

On Tuesday the Social Services Select Committee reported back on the proposed Vulnerable Children Bill. The Committee agreed with the bill and made mostly minor changes.8 However we advise one major change was proposed, which is the deletion of provisions for Child Protection Orders (discussed further below). By way of

Report on Māori living in Australia: E10 week ending 28 March 2014

This week Te Puni Kōkiri has uploaded onto their website a six-page factsheet report on Māori living in Australia (prepared December 2013). The report is entitled: Ngā Māori i te Ao Moemoeā, which the agency translates as ‘Māori in Australia’. The report is derived from the 2011 Australian census.1 Key