Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Minimum wage increase: E6 week ending 28 February 2014

  On Monday the Minister of Labour, Simon Bridges, announced that the minimum wage would be increased from $13.75 to $14.25 per hour, commencing 1 April.  This is effectively a $20 per-week increase to $570 for a full-time worker on this rate.  This equates to an additional $1,040 per annum,
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Māori child poverty estimate – correction: E6 week ending 28 Feb 2014

  Yesterday The Treasury announced that a data processing error had been made with Statistics New Zealand, in relation to calculations of the amount of welfare provided through the Housing Accommodation Supplement.  Circa 308,000 people receive this benefit, and the error was that the value of the supplement was incorrectly
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Māori economic strategy released: E6 from week ending 28 Feb 2014

  Last Thursday a Bay of Plenty Māori Economic Strategy was released.  The strategy is called He Mauri Ohooho, and is one of a series of economic strategy documents being developed within the region, by a cluster group entitled, ‘Bay of Connections’.[1]   A summary of the key components of this
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

New Zealand Māori Council – Waitangi Tribunal claim and hearing: E6 week ending 28 Feb 2014

  This week the New Zealand Māori Council confirmed that its urgent Waitangi Tribunal claim hearing for WAI 2417 will be held at Pipitea Marae, Wellington, from Tuesday 18 March to Thursday 20 March. WAI 2417 concerns potential amendments to the Maori Community Development Act 1962, which is the establishment