Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Kuri sign Deed of Settlement: E4 week ending 14 Feb 2014

Last Friday Ngāti Kuri signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown.  The settlement includes financial and commercial redress of circa $2 million and a cultural endowment fund of $2.2 million.
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Crown Forestry Rental Trust – further disputes: E4 week ending 14 Feburary 2014

This week the Crown Forestry Rental Trust deferred another trustee meeting as chairperson, Angela Foukles, indicated it is unclear to her whether Neville Baker had been legitimately selected as a new trustee by the two Māori appointors (namely the New Zealand Māori Council and the Federation of Māori Authorities).  Ms
Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Education research on Māori boys at secondary school: E4 week ending 4 Feb 2014

As advised last week, Te Puni Kōkiri has uploaded onto its website research the agency commissioned in relation to Māori boys at secondary school.  The report is entitled, Tamakaiwānanga: Māori boys at secondary school: A qualitative study of Māori boys motivation and engagement at NCEA Level 1. The objective of