Education Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

New partnership schools / kura hourua announced: from E32 week ending 20 September 2013

This week the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, and her Associate Minister, John Banks, announced that the Government have agreed to the establishment of five specific partnership schools / kura hourua.  The schools / kura will open from next year. By way of background, partnership schools / kura hourua are
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Oil and gas exploration consultation with Māori commences: from E32 week ending 20 September 2013

On Wednesday the Minister of Energy and Resources, Simon Bridges, announced a consultation process for awarding ‘block 2014’ oil and gas exploration permits was commencing.  The consultation process includes seeking the views of iwi groups where a proposed ‘block’ is within their rohe, and/or up to 100 km offshore. We
Economic Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

WAI 2224 (spectrum) urgency application declined by the Tribunal: from E32 week ending 20 September 2013

This week the Waitangi Tribunal declined the application for an urgent hearing of the WAI 2224 claim, which relates to radio spectrum matters.  The application was lodged in July by the New Zealand Māori Council, Ngā Kaiwhakapumau i te Reo / Wellington Māori Language Board, and the WAI 776 claimants.
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Māori Television Service – Select Committee Report Back from E32 week ending 20 September 2013

On 30 August the Māori Affairs Select Committee reported back on the proposed Māori Television Service (Te Aratuku Whakaata Irirangi Māori) Amendment Bill.  The proposed Bill is a result of a 2009 review of the effectiveness of the principle Māori Television Act. Fundamentally this Bill proposes changes to spectrum management
Agriculture Economic Fisheries Rōpu Māori

Māori news week ending 20 September 2013

• This week the Government announced that the maximum catch of Snapper for recreational fishing will be reduced from nine to seven fish per day, and the minimum size increased to 30 centimetres, from April 2014.  Chair of Te Rūnanga a Iwi o Ngāti Kahu, Margaret Mutu, has indicated Ngāti