Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Select Committee Report on Proposed Fisheries Legislation: E26 week ending 2 August 2013

Last Thursday the Primary Production Select Committee released its report on the Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2012.    Amongst other items, this Bill seeks to implement the Government’s decision to ban, from 2016, foreign charter vessels (FCVs) from New Zealand waters.  This follows incidents of mistreatment
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Three Treaty Settlement Bills read in Parliament: E26 week ending 2 August 2013

On Thursday three separate Treaty settlement bills were read for the first time in parliament.  These were the Maungaharuru–Tangitū Hapū Claims Settlement Bill, the Ngā Punawai o Te Tokotoru Claims Settlement Bill, and Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Bill.  All were then referred to the Māori Affairs
Economic Government Private Posts Te Reo Treaty

Radio Spectrum – Application for Urgency: E 26 week ending 2 August 2013

Last week the Government filed a memorandum with the Waitangi Tribunal requesting that the Tribunal decline an application for an urgent hearing of relating to radio spectrum matters.  This is in response to the WAI 2224 claim, which was (re)filed with the Tribunal on 1 July. By way of background,
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Statements of Intent – Māori language entities E26 week ending 2 August 2013

Following the Government’s Budget in May, Statements of Intent were published for departments and ministries, and Crown entities.   We advise the three statements for Māori language sector entities have now been tabled in parliament and publicly released; that is, the Māori Language Commission, Te Māngai Pāho, and the Māori Television