
Appointments for the week ending 5 July 2013

Debbie Birch has been appointed to the new Board of Crown Irrigation Investments. Kenneth Raureti, Robyn Bargh, Tupara Morrison, Deryck Shaw and Henri Burkhard have all been reappointed to the Māori Arts and Crafts Institute Board (which is known as Te Puia). Judith Stanway has been promoted to the role
Rōpu Māori

Maori news stories for the week ending 5 July 2013

Parliamentary by-election for the Ikaroa-Rāwhiti electorate.  Preliminary results indicate she received 4,368 votes, which is approximately 42% of the total percentage of votes (excluding special votes).  Voter turnout was low, however, comprising only 36% of registered voters. On Tuesday Dr Pita Sharples announced his decision to step down as the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty Matters: E23 week ending 5 July 2013

Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Potiki sign an Agreement in Principle Last Friday Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Potiki signed an Agreement in Principle with the Crown.  The agreement includes a redress package valued at circa $29.5 million. Maungaharuru–Tangitū Claims Settlement Bill On Tuesday the Maungaharuru–Tangitū Hapū Claims Settlement Bill
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori Language Week: E23 week ending 5 July 2013

This week is Māori Language Week.  Accordingly this briefing focuses on te reo Māori policy settings, and current policy issues arising. By way of background, the Māori language is considered internationally as an endangered language, with a United Nations classification as ‘vulnerable’.  This is because te reo Māori – despite