Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Statement of Intent- Education Crown Entites

This week we have reviewed the statements of the three Crown entities with significant roles in the education sector – the Tertiary Education Commission, the Education Review Office, and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Our reviews focus on how well these agencies identify unique Māori needs, and what tailored plans
Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

National Standards – Additional information

Subscribers will be aware that last week we advised on the release of National Standards data. This information showed the performance of primary-school students in reading, writing and mathematics – Pānui edition 20/2013 refers. In our briefing we noted that the Ministry of Education had not released all of the
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Abortion Statistics for 2012

 This week Statistics New Zealand released Abortion Statistics for 2012. Overall, twenty four percent of abortions (around 3,600) were performed on Māori women. From population tables we calculate the Māori abortion rate is 23.7 per 1,000 Māori women, (aged 15–44 years). This is a slightly lower rate than 2011 (which
Rōpu Māori

Appointments and Māori news 21 June 2013

Appointments Robin Ohia (Tauranga Moana) has been appointed to the 21st Century Learning Reference Group. The 21st Century Learning Reference Group has been established to provide advice on digital media in schools.  Dr Dale Bramley (NgāPuhi) has been appointed as a board member of the Health Quality and Safety Commission.
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Gambling Harn Reduction Bill: from E21 week ending 21 June 2013

On Wednesday the Commerce Select Committee reported back on the Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill. Submissions on this Bill received by the Committee were also released.  By way of background, this is a Private Members’ Bill of Māri Party Member of Parliament, Te Ururoa Flavell. It was drawn