Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 31 May 2013

• This week some media outlets reported that the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust had lost $29 million on low quality investments.  Today, however, the Chairman of the Trust, Rakeipoho Taiaroa responded indicating that figure was inaccurate, and that the Trust expects to make an operating profit for the current financial year.  (We
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Parliamentary matters: E18 31 May 2013

• On Wednesday Claudette Hauiti (Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, Ngati Porou, Ngapuhi, Ngati Kuta) was sworn into Parliament as a National Party list MP. Ms Hauiti replaces Aaron Gilmore, who resigned from Parliament earlier this month. • On Tuesday the Te Tau Ihu Claims Settlement Bill was introduced in Parliament.  This bill gives effect
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Porou Customary Marine Title Enquiry: from E18 week ending 31 May 2013

On Monday the Office of Treaty Settlements opened the Ngāti Porou Customary Marine Title Enquiry.  This enquiry will determine whether the claimant group of Ngāti Porou hapū have met the the legal standard for obtaining customary marine title, under provisions set out in the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana)
Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Auditor-General Report on Māori Education Matters Released: from E18 week ending 31 May 2013

Yesterday the Office of the Controller and Auditor General released a report on Māori education.  The report is entitled, Education for Māori: Implementing Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success.  (Ka Hikitia is the name of the Government’s Māori Education Strategy.)  This is the first report in a series of five
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Suicide Prevention Action Plan released: from E18 week ending 31 May 2013

On Monday the Associate Minister of Health, Peter Dunne, released a new Suicide Prevention Action Plan (2013-2016).  This 9-page plan replaces the previous plan, and identifies actions which align with the broader Suicide Prevention Strategy (2008 – 2016).   This plan, with $2 million of funding per annum attached, has five
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

KickStart Breakfast in Schools Programme Announced: from E18 week ending 31 May 2013

On Monday the Government announced it will provide financial support to extend a breakfast in schools programme which is currently provided by Fonterra and Sanitarium.  These two companies presently gift products for a two-day per week Weet-Bix and milk breakfast programme in certain schools.  Community volunteers are used to organise
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Government response to Advisory Group on Child Poverty: from E18 week ending 31 May 2013

On Tuesday the Government released its formal response to the Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group on Solutions to Child Poverty.  [By way of background, in March 2012 the Children’s Commissioner, Russell Wills, established an advisory group to investigate child poverty.  After research and consultation, the panel reported back to Mr