Economic Fisheries Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Parliamentary matters E5 15 February 2013

On Thursday the Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill was read for the first time in parliament, and then referred to the Primary Production Select Committee. Amongst other items, this Bill seeks to implement the Government’s decision to ban, from 2016, foreign charter vessels from New Zealand

Parliamentary matters E6 week ending 22 Feb 2013

On Wednesday the committee stage of the South Taranaki District Council (Cold Creek Rural Water Supply) Bill was completed and the bill reported back without amendment.  This bill provides for a private water scheme to be established in South Taranaki for a group of entities (mainly farms) drawing water from
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Parliamentary matters E10 week ending 22 March 2013

•Last week The Māori Affairs select committee heard oral submissions for the Mokomoko (Restoration of Character, Mana, and Reputation) Bill.   The bill, if passed into law, will legally pardon Te Whakatōhea Chief Mokomoko, who along with three others, was executed in 1866, for allegedly murdering missionary Carl Völkner in Opotiki. 
Economic Fisheries Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Parliamentary matters E12 week ending 12 April 2013

  • On Tuesday the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill was read for a third time in parliament, and will pass into law on receiving Royal assent.   This will directly impact on all Māori whānau in receipt of welfare.  Pānui has outlined implications in edition 10/2013.
Government Private Posts

Parliamentary matters E13 19 April 2013

•On Tuesday the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, Conservation Amendment Bill (No 2), Continental Shelf Amendment Bill, Reserves Amendment Bill and Wildlife Amendment Bill were read for a third time, and will now pass into law upon receiving Royal Assent.  These legislative changes implement the Government’s 2011 Energy Strategy.  For further
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Parliamentary Matters E 10 week ending 22 March 2013

On Monday the Commerce Select Committee reported back to Parliament on the Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill.  The second reading of this Bill commenced on Thursday and is likely to be completed next week.  The Bill, if passed, will amend a number of existing articles of legislation to