Private Posts Rōpu Māori

John Tamihere

•This week John Tamihere published, on his RadioLive website, photos of a journalist, Matthew Nippert, who had written articles on a High Court Case being pursued against Mr Tamihere by West Harbour Holdings Ltd.  The photos were ‘private-investigator’ type snapshots of the journalist, his house, and residential street / car. 
Rōpu Māori Social

Māori life expectancy: E13 week ending 19 April 2013

On Tuesday Statistics NZ published, The New Zealand Period Life Tables: 2010–12.   Findings show that the difference between Māori and non-Māori life expectancy at birth has reduced to 7.3 years (it was previously 8 years).  Male Māori life expectancy at birth is now 72.8 years (compared with 80.2 years for
Rōpu Māori Social

Housing quality survey: E13 week ending 19 April 2013

 On Thursday Statistics NZ published a report entitled Perceptions of Housing Quality in 2010/11: Exploratory findings from the New Zealand General Social Survey.  This report explored people’s perceptions of the quality of their housing and focusses on three issues; coldness, dampness, and smallness.  In relation to Māori, the research found:
Education Government Rōpu Māori Social

Education Statistics – NCEA data: from E13 week ending 22 April 2013

Yesterday the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, released a media statement entitled ‘NCEA results show more Māori and Pasifika students achieving’.  For Māori learners it states that in 2012 there was a 2% increase in achievements (over 2011); with 54% of 16-year-old Māori learners attaining NCEA Level 2.   The Government’s
Aquaculture Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Sustainable Farming Fund – Māori recipients

On Thursday three Māori-led research projects were named as successful recipients of the Government’s Sustainable Farming Fund.  This funding, administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries, is made available to improve primary sector economic and environmental performance.  (Government funds provided are matched by either financial or in-kind contributions from those
Economic Government Rōpu Māori Social

Maori news stories for the week ending E13 19 April 2013

  On Tuesday Ngāi Tahu Property, Te Tapuae o Rēhua, and Lincoln University signed a Memorandum of Understanding to commence a Whenua Kura initiative.  This is an agricultural trade training initiative focussed on supporting more Māori into the agriculture sector. The Department of Conservation Northland Conservancy is hosting Te Ao
Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty matters week ending E13, 19 April 2013

Ngāti Tama ki te Tau Ihu – Deed of Settlement On Saturday Ngāti Tama ki te Tau Ihu (Tasman and Nelson regions) is scheduled to sign a Deed of Settlement with the Crown.  The settlement includes redress of $12 million. Waitaha Claims Settlement Bill On Wednesday the second reading of