Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Māori-orientated research in the tertiary education sector released: E12 week ending 12 April 2013

As previously advised, this week the Tuia Te Ako conference was held.  This is a national hui centred on Māori tertiary education matters.  To coincide with the conference, yesterday Ako Aotearoa (the National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence) released three new reports on Māori education.  An outline of the three
Rōpu Māori

Maori news stories for the week ending 12 April 2013.

  • This week Ngāti Hau has sent a letter to De Grey Mining Ltd asking the company to relinquish all exploration permits within their tribal area at Puhipuhi (north of Whangarei).  This was the outcome of an iwi hui in which Ngāti Hau determined they are against oil exploration in
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty matters: E12 week ending 12 April 2013

Ngāti Pūkenga sign Deed of Settlement Last Friday Ngāti Pūkenga signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown. The settlement includes a financial and commercial redress of $5 million.   Ngāti Rārua iwi to sign a Deed of Settlement On Saturday Ngāti Rārua iwi will sign a Deed of Settlement
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board – water storage discussions from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board has indicated it is seeking to hold discussions with Mighty River Power on costs for storing water, in Lake Taupō, which the energy company then uses to generate hydroelectricity.  This follows the possibility of litigation on this matter being identified as ‘a risk’ in the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Funding to be provided for Grandparents raising children: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

On Wednesday the Minister of Social Development, Paula Bennett, announced that the Government would provide $10 million of funding to grandparents who are raising grandchildren.  (The time-period of the funding is unknown, but Government budgets are generally for four-year periods, i.e. $2.5 million per annum is most likely, but this
Agriculture Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Miraka and Shanghai Pengxin enter into a Memorandum of Understanding: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

The majority Māori-owned milk processing company, Miraka, entered into a milk supply agreement with Shanghai Pengxin Group this week.  Shanghai Pengxin (the owner of the former Crafer dairy farms), will supply milk to Miraka once a UHT-milk processing plant is completed. This agreement was signed during the current New Zealand
Agriculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Government Rōpu Māori

Report on Māori Land Productivity: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

Last week we advised that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) had released a report on increasing the productivity of Māori land.  The report, prepared by an external consultancy, is entitled, Growing the Productive Base of Māori Freehold Land. We advised that our initial review indicated that the report made economic