Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 1 March 2013

• On Sunday Ralph Hotere ONZ (acclaimed artist) passed away, aged 81 years. • Sir Michael Cullen has been appointed as an independent advisor to assist in implementing recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal’s report on the Kōhanga Reo Claim (Wai 2336: Matua Rautia).  The appointment of an independent advisor was a recommendation
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Hauā – Agreement in Principle Reached: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

Last week Ngāti Hauā (a Waikato iwi) signed an Agreement in Principle to settle historic Treaty grievances with the Crown.  The agreement includes financial  and commercial redress of $13 million.
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Tainui – Treaty relativity payment: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

This week Tainui Group Holdings Chairman, Sir Henry van der Heyden, indicated that the holding company should manage the additional financial redress – circa $70 million – the iwi has received for its Treaty settlement.  This redress arises from a relativity clause in the original 1995 settlement being activated late
Aquaculture Private Posts Rōpu Māori

King Salmon – expansion consent granted: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

On Thursday the Environmental Protection Authority released its final decision allowing New Zealand King Salmon consent for four additional salmon farms in Queen Charlotte and Marlborough Sounds.   (By way of background, in 2011 New Zealand King Salmon applied for nine additional aqua-farm contents.)  The King Salmon proposal attracted 1,400 submissions,
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

New Zealand Māori Council and the Waikato River and Dams Claims Trust – Supreme Court Ruling: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

On Wednesday the Supreme Court released its decision to dismiss an appeal by the New Zealand Maori Council and Waikato River and Dams Claims Trust, which sought to halt the partial privatisation of Mighty River Power.  The five judges were unanimous in their decision concluding that, “the partial privatisation of
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Health disparities research: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

A University of Otago study published last week has found differences in health outcomes between Māori and New Zealand Europeans in regards to hospital care.  The study is entitled Ethnic disparities in the quality of hospital care in New Zealand, as measured by 30-day rate of unplanned readmission/death.  The researchers
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Minimum wage debates: from E7 week ending 1 March 2013

On Tuesday the Minister of Labour, Simon Bridges, announced that the minimum wage would be increased from $13.50 to $13.75 per hour, commencing 1 April.  This is effectively a $10 per-week increase to $550 for a full-time worker on this rate; which is an additional $520 per annum (or $28,600
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Pouakani – Supreme Court hearing: from E6 week ending 22 February 2013

This week the Supreme Court has been hearing the claims related to the ownership of the Waikato riverbed in the Pouakani area.  (Note there are three Mighty River Power dams within the area concerned.) This hearing follows a ruling by the Supreme Court in June 2012 that the Crown did
Corrections Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Prisoner NCEA enrolments: from E6 week ending 22 February 2013

Yesterday the Minister of Corrections, Anne Tolley, announced that over the next two years 2,000 prisoners will be enrolled in a new educational programme, focused on the achievement of NCEA qualifications.  The Open Polytechnic will deliver the programme, which includes coaching and distance learning.  This is positive for Māori, given
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Reduction in Māori infant mortality from E6 week ending 22 February 2013

On Tuesday Statistics New Zealand released Births and Deaths: Year ended December 2012.  The statistics show a decrease in Māori infant mortality; dropping from 7.0 per 1,000 live births in 2011 to 4.7 per 1,000 live births in 2012.  (In whole numbers, in 2012 82 Māori infants under one died,
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Tobacco – plain packaging from E6 week ending week end 22 February 2013

On Tuesday Associate Minister of Health, Tariana Turia, announced the Government will introduce legislation to put tobacco products into plain packaging.   The plain packaging policy has been led by the Māori Party and will be supported by the National Party, as agreed in the parties 2011 Relationship Accord.  (This measure
Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Funding of Rongoā Māori:from E6 week ending 22 February 2013

This week New Zealand First leader, Winston Peters, has questioned the appropriateness of the Ministry of Health’s funding of rongoā.  (The Ministry spends circa $1.9 million on rongoā initiatives per year.)  Mr Peter’s questions relate to both whether there is an evidential basis for rongoā practices, and the quality of