Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 8 Feb 2013

• On Tuesday the Te Hiku Forum signed a Social Development Accord with the Crown. The Accord commits the Crown and ten government agencies to work with Te Hiku to improve social outcomes for the iwi, hapū and whānau in the Far North region.  This is a result of settlement negotiations
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Resource Management Act Amendments – consultation in progress: From E4 week ending 8 February 2013

In December the Resource Management Reform Bill (2012) was read for the first time in parliament, and referred on to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.  We have not previously advised on this proposed legislative change, as the key provisions relating directly to Māori are not subject to amendment. 
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty Tribunal reports

Ngāti Kahu – Waitangi Tribunal declines requests: from E4 week ending 8 February 2013

Last Friday the Waitangi Tribunal released its Ngāti Kahu Remedies Report.  In this report the Tribunal declines the request of Ngāti Kahu (and associated hapū) to provide binding orders for the resumption of properties, and to enact a settlement package of circa $260 million. 12. The Tribunal instead proposes that the
Employment Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Māori unemployment and labour market participation rates: from E4 week ending 8 February 2013

Yesterday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of December 2012.  The survey shows a slight decrease in unemployment from 7.3% to 6.9% of the workforce.  For Māori, the unemployment rate also decreased slightly too, from 15.1% to 14.8%. However this
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Treaty

Waitangi Day – Prime Minister’s Speech from E4 week ending 8 February 2013

After the traditional Waitangi Day dawn service, (and associated commotion in relation to marae protocols), the Prime Minister delivered the keynote breakfast speech to invited dignitaries.  The Prime Minister’s key points were: Treaty settlements are occurring with haste and remain as a policy priority for the Government (59 Deeds of