Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 30 November 2012

On Saturday the Māori Battalion Association will hold their final hui (a remembrance service) in Wellington and dissolve the Association. On Wednesday Statistics NZ published the first edition of ‘Te Waharoa’, which is a catalogue of official Māori social and cultural statistics.  On Thursday the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Tainui governance matters: week ending 30 November 2012 (edition 42)

Last Sunday the Tainui parliament, Te Kauhanganui, voted to remove their Chairwoman, Tania Martin.  We also advise that the Deputy Chair, Bill Takerei has reportedly resigned.  Ms Martin was removed both as Chairwoman, and as a member of the organisation.    The reason was that she was found to have brought