
Parliamentary matters and Māori news stories for the week ending 23 November 2012

Parliamentary matters Māori affairs select committee hold oral submissions for two settlement bills This week the Māori Affairs Select Committee heard oral submissions for two treaty settlement bills.  Submissions were heard for the Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Bill on Tuesday, and for the Waitaha Claims Settlement Bill on
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust loses High Court appeal: from E41 week ending 23 November 2012

On Wednesday Justice Priestley of the Auckland High Court delivered his findings in relation to Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust’s legal challenge of the Ministry of Social Development’s decision to end its Family Start contract.  Justice Priestley found in favour of the defendant (the Attorney-General on behalf of the Ministry),
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Whānau ora: from E41 week ending 23 November 2012

Last week we advised that a media outlet had obtained, under the Official Information Act, an evaluation of part of the Whānau Ora policy programme which was said to be critical of the administration of the programme.  This evaluation, by an independent consultancy, has now been made public, and is
Economic Fisheries Rōpu Māori

Foreign Charter Vessels – potential compensation to iwi fishing companies: from E41 week ending 23 Novembere 2012

This week one media outlet reported – incorrectly – that the Ministry of Primary Industries had advised the Government that changes to legislation to prohibit foreign chartered vessels from New Zealand might require compensation to iwi fishery quota owners, of up to $300 million.  (By way of background, some iwi
Economic Government Private Posts

Māori Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan released E41 23 Nov 2012

On Monday the Māori Economic Development Panel released their proposed Māori economic strategy and action plan (two separate documents).  The release included publicly providing the documents to the Minister of Māori Affairs, Dr Sharples, and the Minister of Economic Development, Steven Joyce – with both Ministers then immediately accepting and
Agriculture Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Whānau Ora matters: from E40 week ending 16 November 2012

Yesterday a media outlet advised that it had a copy of a report that evaluated the Whānau Ora policy programme.  The report, prepared for Ministers, is said to be critical of the administration of the programme.  The report was provided to the media agency under the Official Information Act.  Pānui
Government Rōpu Māori Social Treaty

Parliamentry matters and Māori news stories for the week ending 16 November 2012

Parliamentary matters On Thursday the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill passed its second reading.  The Bill proposes ‘to improve’ the operation of local government in New Zealand by removing social and cultural purposes from the role of local councils.  Refer to pānui E9/2012 for details.    Māori news stories for
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty Issues: from E40 week ending 16 November 2012

Two treaty settlement bills complete third reading On Wednesday the Ngāti Manuhiri Claims Settlement Bill was read in parliament for a third time.  The Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Bill includes redress of $9 million, as well as the return of six culturally significant sites. On Thursday the third reading was completed
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Land and Water Forum report released: from E40 week ending 16 November 2012

Yesterday the Land and Water Forum released its third report, Managing Water Quality and Allocating Water.   [By way for background, this forum is a group of twenty-one organisations, which is a subgroup of a wider group of sixty organisations with interests in water.  The forum includes five iwi entities.  Established
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Emissions Trading Scheme; from E40 week ending 16 November 2012

On Monday the Climate Change Minister, Tim Groser, announced the Government would shortly be consulting on whether to prohibit some types of international carbon credit ‘units’ from the Emission Trading Scheme.  Presently, New Zealand industries that are required to purchase these units to compensate for their emissions (greenhouse gases) can
Economic Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Oil and mineral matters – Māori interests: from E40 week ending 16 November 2012

Last Thursday Energy and Resources Minister, Phil Heatley, announced a consultation process for awarding ‘block 2013’ oil and gas exploration permits was commencing.  This process includes seeking the views of iwi groups where a proposed ‘block’ is within their rohe, and/or up to 100 km offshore.  Up to 74 iwi