Rōpu Māori Uncategorized

Parliamentary matters: omnibus excerpt from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

 On Tuesday the Marine Legislation Bill had its first reading in Parliament.  The Bill provides for the transfer of waste management functions from Maritime New Zealand to the Environmental Protection Authority.  Amongst other items, it also substantially increases the amount of compensation payable for marine incidents – such as the
Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 14 September 2012

On Tuesday Jacqui Te Kani (CNZM) passed away.  Jacqui Te Kani was a past president of the Māori Women’s Welfare League, and held the position of General Manager. Enid Ratahi-Pryor has been appointed Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa. On Monday Norse Skog Tasman, a Kawerau-based newsprint pulp
Private Posts Settlements Treaty

Waitaha Claims Settlement Bill: omnibus excerpt E32 from week ending 14 September 2012

On Monday the Waitaha Claims Settlement Bill was introduced in Parliament.  The Settlement includes financial redress valued at $11.8 million, and includes the return of culturally significant sites.
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Deed of Settlement: omnibus excerpt E32 from week ending 14 September 2012

Last Saturday a Deed of Settlement was signed between Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau (the Tāmaki Collective) and the Crown.  The Deed vests the ownership of fourteen maunga in the region with the Collective, (which will then be held in Trust for the people of Auckland). The maunga will
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports Uncategorized

Freshwatter matters: omnibus excerpt from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

On Thursday the national summit on freshwater matters, called by King Tūheitia, was held at Tūrangawaewae Marae.  Scheduled key note speakers were Dr Ranginui Walker, Sir Edward Durie and Sir Tumu Te Heuheu.  The hui concluded with King Tūheitia confirming that Māori have, and will retain, on-going interests in water,
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Muriwhenua claims and Tribunal applications: omnibus excerpt from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

Last week we advised that the Ngāti Kahu Waitangi Tribunal hearing had commenced.  This is a special hearing in which the iwi has requested the Tribunal issue ‘resumption orders’ to allow for the return of properties in the Kaitaia area.  We advised the action was likely to be contested by
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Wellington Tenths Trust – emerging issues: omnibus excerpt E32 the week ending 14 September 2012

On Monday a representative for Taranaki Whanui (Wellington Tenths Trust) appeared before the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee.  It was requested that references to Ngāti Toa be taken off proposed legislation allowing for the building of the National War Memorial Park in Wellington.   [By way of background, this Bill
Economic Fisheries Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Tama – further financial losses: omnibus except from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

This week Peter Coleman, a liquidator, confirmed the Ngāti Tama fisheries holdings company, Ikatuna Limited, is unlikely to recover most of the $4.6 million it is owed by Tuere Fishing Limited.  Losses to the iwi on this venture are expected to be circa $3.4 million.  Tuere Fishing Limited was placed
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāi Tūhoe settlement announced: omnibus excerpt from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

On Tuesday Te Kōtahi a Tūhoe (the Tūhoe negotiation team) accepted the Crown’s Treaty Settlement offer.  (Note, like all settlements, iwi ratification processes are still required, and presently the Deed of Settlement has not been initialled by either party.) The settlement redress value is approximately $170 million, inclusive of Ngāi
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Māori Viewpoint Survey: Omnibus excerpt from E32 week ending 14 September 2012

This week Horizon Research Ltd released a summary of its research on the views of Māori adults.  This company carried out a telephone survey of Māori adults in July (prior to the publishing of the Waitangi Tribunal report on freshwater).  The resulting survey report has a sampling error of plus
Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngāti Kahu Waitangi Tribunal claim: omnibus excerpt from E31week ending 7 September 2012

In August we advised that Ngāti Kahu had applied to the Waitangi Tribunal requesting that the Crown be ordered to return certain properties in the Kaitaia region.  This week the hearing of this case commenced. By way of background, in narrow circumstances the Tribunal is able to make a binding