Education Health Rōpu Māori Social Uncategorized

Māori news stories for the week ending 7 September 2012

Sir Ralph Norris has been appointed to the University of Auckland Council. Professor Des Gorman has been appointed to the board of the Accident and Compensation Commission (ACC). Rangi Wills has been appointed to the board of the Fire Service Commission. The Health Research Council of New Zealand has signed
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports

Freshwater issues: omnibus brief from E31 week ending 7 September 2012

This briefing item is a continuation from earlier Pānui, and assumes the reader is familiar with this topic.  For background details on the Waitangi Tribunal interim report refer to Pānui 30/2012. Government response On Monday the Prime Minister, John Key, provided a press-statement response to the Waitangi Tribunal Report on