Education Private Posts Rōpu Māori Te Reo

Māori news stories for the week ending 25 November, 2011: omnibus excerpt

The Māori Language Awards were held last Friday, with Kaiti School (Gisborne) winning the supreme award. Tukoroirangi Morgan (Waikato-Tainui) has indicated that a consortium of iwi is preparing to purchase shares in state-owned energy companies, if partial sales of state-owned enterprises proceed. Hato Petera College is developing a health science
Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Honours and Appointments: omnibus excerpts from week ending 25 November 2011

Te Paekiomeka Ruha (ONZM, QSM) has been awarded the Hunter Fellowship from Victoria University.  Merepeka Raukawa-Tait has been elected as a councillor on the Rotorua District Council. Ken Mair has been appointed as a director of Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited. Tim Cossar has been confirmed as the incoming
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Councils vote against designated Māori wards: omnibus excerpt from week ending 25 November 2011

Last week the Hastings District Council and Hamilton City Council voted against designated Māori wards.  This parallels the decisions of most local authorities (with the exception of Waikato and Nelson).  From week ending 25 November 2011
Economic Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Rangitihi iwi members vote to stay with Te Arawa Fisheries: omnibus excerpt from week ending 25 November 2011

The Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust’s resolution to withdraw from the Te Arawa Fisheries Collective was rejected when voted on by members of the iwi.  This means assets will remain within the Te Arawa Fisheries Collective. From week ending  25 November 2011
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports

Trademark of the word ‘koha’: omnibus excerpt from week ending 25 November 2011

An American company has successfully obtained a New Zealand trademark for the word ‘koha’, despite an objection from the Horowhenua Library Trust.  We advise that the issue around the ‘ownership’ of Māori words and icons has been discussed within the extensive WAI 262 report of the Waitangi Tribunal, released in
Economic Education Employment Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Social Te Reo Treaty Welfare

Political matters – policy synopsis: omnibus excerpt – from week ending 25 November 2011

 Over the last four weeks we have provided a series of précis on political manifesto commitments of five political parties.[1]  This is because policy settings arise from a fusion between evidential research and political judgements.  Accordingly, the General Election tomorrow is the one single event that will have the most