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Political Party Manifesto Commitments: omnibus excerpt

The Labour Party – Māori focused matters The Labour Party has no published Māori specific policy currently on its website. By comparison, the Party does have specific “rainbow”, “interfaith‟, and “ethnic affairs‟ policy statements, outlining how it seeks to respond to these groups. The total silence on Māori matters is
Economic Employment Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Treaty Welfare

Political Party Manifesto Commitments -The National Party: omnibus excerpt

The National Party – Māori focused matters  For this election, The National Party has published approximately 50 broad-level policy statements on its website, but no full manifesto publication. Of the policy statements made, there is no targeted Māori-focused policy comment; although there are generic policy statements for “Pacific Peoples‟ and
Economic Employment Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

The Treasury releases an economic and fiscal update: omnibus excerpt

This document provides financial projections, and an economic risk assessment. In sum, The Treasury predicts economic growth of up to 3% per annum to 2016;  the Government returning to a surplus in June 2015.   Treasury sees five key forces as driving these changes: (i) a slowing world economy; (ii)
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Treaty matters: omnibus excerpt

Waitangi Tribunal grants urgency to the Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board   This week the Waitangi Tribunal agreed to consider with urgency the Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board claim, with the hearing set for February 2012.The Trust alleges fourteen broad Treaty breaches, with further sub-breaches. These centre on allegations that