
Top Māori news stories for the week: omnibus excerpt

A Māori-focused Masters of Business Administration (MBA) developed by The University of Waikato and Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development has been named a finalist in an international MBA innovation award (winner to be determined next month).  On Wednesday the Crown signed an agreement with descendants of Te Whakatōhea chief
Agriculture Economic Rōpu Māori

Crafar farms: omnibus excerpt

An offer to purchase the insolvent Crafar farms by a consortium of New Zealand businesses, including two Ngāti Rerehau farming entities, has been declined by the receivers, KordaMentha.  The offer was $172 million. This was expected as KordaMentha had already accepted a higher offer of circa $200 million from Pengxin
Economic Fisheries Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Hoki fishing quota increases: omnibus excerpt

This week Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Phil Heatley, announced that the Hoki fishing quota will be increased by 8%, to 130,000 tonnes per year.  The Hoki fishery is valued circa $150 million a year.  Sealord’s owns 30% of this quota (and Aotearoa Fisheries owns 50% of Sealords, meaning this increase
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Kiwifruit industry – effects of PSA virus: omnibus excerpt

Last week Seeka provided a statement to the New Zealand Stock Exchange indicating that 50% of its supply area for Golden Kiwifruit (261 hectares) had now been confirmed as affected by the PSA[1] virus.  As background, Seeka is New Zealand’s largest post-harvest operator (packhouse), they work with Te Awanui Huka
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty

Ngā Pū Waea: omnibus excerpt

On Monday the terms of reference for Ngā Pū Waea were confirmed between the Government, Māori representatives, and key communication sector entities (Telecom, Vodafone, Chorus and others).  Ngā Pū Waea is the Māori Working Group for the implementation of the rural broadband and ultra-fast broadband initiatives.  These projects are significant
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāpuhi mandating process: omnibus except

The Ngāpuhi vote on whether to enter into settlement negotiations with the Crown has been released – with 76% of iwi members who voted agreeing the iwi should enter into direct negotiations.  The group established to lead negotiations, Tuhoronuku, has indicated this is sufficient mandate and the Crown must now
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Raukawa ki Waikato initial a Deed of Settlement: omnibus excerpt

Last week Ngāti Raukawa (Tokoroa – Putaruru area) signed an agreement in principle for a Deed of Settlement.  Iwi members will now vote on the redress package, which is circa $63 million. From week ending 30 September 2011
Education Health Justice Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Inquiry into the determinants of wellbeing for Māori children: omnibus excerpt

On Wednesday the Māori Affairs Select Committee opened its inquiry into the determinants of wellbeing for Māori children.  This inquiry will investigate social, health and education factors affecting Māori children.  It was sought by the Green Party, with support from the Labour Party and the Māori Party (but was opposed